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NG's Pumpkin Crunch Cake - throw light in C3??


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I've read so many good reviews on NG's Pumpkin Crunch Cake that I ordered and began testing today. However, it seems to have a pretty light throw to me...I'm using C3....It has cured for 4 days....does it need to cure longer? I poured NG's Blueberry Muffin the same day and that one throws really well....


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I alway got a really good ht with this FO using C3 wax. Maybe give it a few more days of curing and try again. C3 is just one of those waxes I've found needs a longer cure than other soy waxes with some scents. But once it's cured it has a kick butt scent throw.


I've read so many good reviews on NG's Pumpkin Crunch Cake that I ordered and began testing today. However, it seems to have a pretty light throw to me...I'm using C3....It has cured for 4 days....does it need to cure longer? I poured NG's Blueberry Muffin the same day and that one throws really well....


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Thanks Cindy for the quick reply....I'll let it cure some more. I've been looking for a nice fall pumpkin scent and I'm hoping this will do it...if not I may increase the FO%....I'm at 6% now....


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I used PCC in C-3 with no problems. It does need a good week long cure time and you can NOT compare the throw to blueberry muffin. NG's blueberry muffin is way super strong... I'm not sure that I've met a pumpkin as strong as blueberry muffin... I have had great results with CS's Pumpkin souffle, but by then I had changed to 464, so I can't tell you how it does in C-3.


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I use 8% in almost all my candles, I do have a few I go down on but this one I use 8%.


Thanks Cindy for the quick reply....I'll let it cure some more. I've been looking for a nice fall pumpkin scent and I'm hoping this will do it...if not I may increase the FO%....I'm at 6% now....


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Thanks all for the helpful info...Logcabinmomma...I have tried CS's Pumpkin Souffle in C3 and found it "ok" but not quite what I was looking for...sounds like if a longer cure doesn't work, I'll increase FO...

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