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hmm, my first scam or not


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I received this email...it has a phone number by the looks and a fax ( I have not copied them here)

Hi, I am researching air fresheners that come in a lemon scent and also a caramel scent. I need approximately 600 of each scent, maybe up to as many as 700.

Please let me know if you have these scents available, or something close.

Also, please let me know the cost and the turn around time. I am kind of limited in time, so I am hoping this is something you can help me with!

Thank you!!

Carrie Bolton

Project Manager

InGrid Design

what should I do? I am not even sure how they got my email address...

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Just answer them honestly I have got e-mails like that and about 1 out of 50 I get an order from.

Just be sure they know your terms especially your payment terms.

The more professional you look answering them the less likely you will get scammed. The scammers vanish in to thin air when they figure out you know your business, the legit people will deal with you honestly.

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well, I just responded. I believe she was on my web site, last person there was from KY, that is where she is from. I have the aroma beads listed on there, not sure when she would need them by, but hopefully I gave myself enough time to get more supplies, and do them up (depends on how long they take to soak up the oil I guess)

anyway..thanks for your replies...

I am crossing my fingers. I really need this.

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I've gotten a couple of scam emails and orders. What you should do is. Answer her questions then

option 1) tell her that for that quantity AND being a first time buyer you will need at least 1/2 payment via money order before you even start.

option 2) find out where she plans on having them shipped

this would send out red flags if its overseas.

option 3) go through everything with her and tell her once payment is recieved you will start making her order. If she paye with a credit card. call the credit card company she is using and tell them you fear a scam and you would just like to know if this card has been reported stolen or if it matches the info. They may or may not give you the info you are looking for but they will call her and let her know what is going on then she can in turn contact you. Trust me , I am sure if this is a legit order she WILL be glad that you took the time to make sure she wasnt getting screwed over buy a thief.

This was the route I took with one gentleman looking to make an $800.00 order and have it shipped to GHana. He said he was a Dr and he was there helping people. He even scanned and emailed me picture ID. I called the card Co. and didnt hear anything for a couple days. He contacted me again asking when this would ship so I called the card Co. again and they said the name didnt even match the card #.

Good luck. I hope it all works out for you and the order is legit. HTH

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