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HOW do you stay organized when you're soaping?


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I am a neat freak, so what I do is clean up as I go. I mix my lye solution-then wash and dry out the bowl the lye was in. Next I measure and pour all of my oils. I put my oils on low heat and wash all the bowls that I used to measure. Then I measure the fo/eo and add that to my oils-wash out that bowl. Then I line my molds and turn the heat off of the oils and let them sit on a warm burner. By this time my lye solution is usually cooled-make soap and then wash the remaining pots/pitchers. That has worked pretty well for me-I really don't like clutter!

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i went and bought 2 of the 3 drawer plastic organizers, stacked them on top of each other and it holds all my goodies, all the big oils and stuff is stacked up in my old candle room.. I dont think i will ever be organized,, my kitchen always looks like hell lol

Edited to add, i love clutter~!

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Well we are lucky and candles and soap in the basement.So what I did was clean up my candle stuff last night and made room for soap.I took everything off the tables cleaned them and laid out aluminum foil and fresh paper towels.Then I cleaned that up a few hours later and now ready for more soap tonight and after finishing with all the soap, time to clean that up and get on with a bunch of tarts.

We didn't get into the basement for months till the craft season and now down there all the time if not cleaning making up something.My husband said he want to make a seperat room but I am fine.I hate to be enclosed in the basement.We only have 2 windows.I made a mistake and that is what I wanted when we built.


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My house is a DISASTER right now. Dining room has loaves of soap waiting to be cut, candles curing. Pinecones being dipped. Then in the kitchen I have wax pots, fragrances...oils waiting to be mixed with the lye solution...somewhere there's a toaster oven.

Oh and my dehydrator doing apple slices for garlands.

I try and clean as I go, then the kids want some of this/that...I just need a house with a 2nd kitchen really. One in the house so I'm still apart of the family and I don't need to hire a sitter while I'm out in my soaping/candle workshop.

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Well my kitchen is OK. Ask me about the supply shelves, though. OY!!

I bring out only what I need into the kitchen. My oils are down in the garage, which is where I keep most of my stuff, but then I have other items stored in the computer room. So my kitchen is pretty organized, in comparasin ;)

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Stay organized??? We're supposed to be organized?? RFLMAO Sharon that is hillarious girl!! :D

Seriously, that is basically why I don't make more products (candles AND B&B) than I do, b/c it's such a PITA to get all the stuff out in my kitchen, hurry and make whatever it is, and then have to put EVERYTHING away so I can use my kitchen for dinner or whatever. :rolleyes:

It sucks, there's got to be a better way?! Oh yah, it's called winning the lottery so you can have a workroom all your own-YAH RIGHT!! :P

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My husband is awesome..he cooks, and doesn't care how messed up the kitchen is, he just works around it. His brother is in charge of the dishes, so he just works around it too, I am SOOOOOOO awful, I have crap everywhere, We have an extra bedroom even, and it's full of supplies...but it's just unorganized. There is a method to my madness though..I know where everything I have is! :D I know if I would just take ONE day and organize it, get my shelves up (have them..but they are on the back porch still) and put everything away I would be miles ahead of the game, but WHO has a day to devote to something like that?? I sure as hell don't LOL, I work 5 1/2 days a week. My saturday afternoons and Sundays are ALL I have to do some uninterrupted creating LOL. My evenings get cut way too short by my need for sleep (damn sleep). Maybe when the busy season is over I will take that day to organize..until then I guess we'll just keep working around stuff :P Thanks for your replies everyone..it's so nice to know that I'm not the only one who is unorganized! And for those of you who aren't? My hat is off to you!

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what on earth does organized mean! ;) I am lucky that I live alone and I don't have anyone to bother with my mess. My kitchen is always in a state of chaos. I did get a cupboard for the candle supplies, but my molds alone fill the bottom 2 shelves. The molds never end up back in the cupboard anyway. I don't mind it so it is ok. I do mind though that the supplies have run over to my spare bedroom. I am runing out of room already!!!

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