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OT Confederate Jasmine

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I just finished soaping it. I soaped with oils and butters very cool - around 90. A veggie lard recipe completely hand stirred in anticipation of it perhaps moving fast. It is now in my wood log mold and is hopefully feeling snug and warm and gellin' like a felon.

This one soaped wonderfully!! I had plenty of time to play. I'm not sure if it will D yet (it did turn my soap mixture a brownish yellow so we will see). I had very little A. I swirled it with 3 colors - yellow, grape and apple green POP colors. It moved so slow that I had trouble getting hearts made on the top since the colored soap would not stay in the circle shape. Oh well.

So far this bad boy smells delish!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:drool::drool::drool::drool::drool::drool::drool:

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I unmolded today and the scent seems a bit light. I used 1 oz PPO too. But we will see if it comes back when some of the water has cured out. I've had that happen many times.

Also, my dang colors are almost non-existent in this batch. That is the first time this has happened to me with my POP colorants. That really irritates me when that happens. :mad:

ETA - so far little to no discoloration.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Update: The scent of the Confederate Jasmine really came back in my soap and is very strong but not in a sickening old lady fake floral way. There is a tobacco type undertone to this scent that sneaks its way in followed by a very soft musky green undertone. This one is a keeper.

Sorry I totally suck at scent descriptions.

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