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How would you market different types of wax?

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Hi all,

currently I make paraffin and palm candles. I'm testing soy wax so I will add it to my line.

There's a section on my site which explains (in very simple and short way) what paraffin is and what palm wax is.

Now I should add soy wax too.

I'd like to highlight the benefits of each wax, but without doing a self bashing about the others LOL!!!

My fear is, when I write about the nature of palm and soy, why people should buy paraffin candles? For now I state that paraffin is the only wax that can be used in different ways (rustics, layers and so on).

Palm is natural but not so versatile and so on...

I don't really say anything about environment.

any advice on wording for all my beloved waxes?

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Sorry I can't help, but I'm watching this topic to see if anyone else has any good ideas. I currently only do a blend of paraffin/soy, but am considering offering a small line of noncolored soy candles--and would love to experiment with palm, too!

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Well, you could sorta do an environment thing with a twist. Shortly:

Paraffin - A very flexible wax that is the only wax viable for X,Y and Z items, with excellent throw. We use food grade paraffin.

Soy - Providing an alternative for container candles, this wax has a bit less throw, but last slightly longer than paraffin or palm.

Palm - Gives a unique look and appeal to a candle that cannot be achieved with soy or paraffin.

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definately highlight the features of all of your waxes,and be sure to add those benifits too ! I use paraffin,beeswax mostly,but I dabble now & then with soy. I do my best to inform my customers about the qualities of each product, without giving too many boring specs. I don't want anyone to be misinformed or afraid of what they've been told by the media.BTW-love your avatar :D Big KISS fan too :rockon:

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I wouldn't come right out and say soy has a lesser throw, but perhaps rephrase it as "Soy is known for it's milder scent throw and longer burn time than other waxes and many people who are sensitive to strong scents prefer soy over paraffin." That way, you're essentially saying the same thing, yet you are appealing to a particular customer at the same time.

To plug the paraffin, I would simply promote it as a traditional wax that is heavily used in the candlemaking industry because of its ability to accept vibrant colors and to transform into any number of configurations--tapered candles, carved candles, container candles, dipped bears, etc. If it is still cheaper than the other waxes, I would also say that it's so widely popular because it's a more economical choice, yet offers outstanding scent throw.

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definately highlight the features of all of your waxes,and be sure to add those benifits too ! I use paraffin,beeswax mostly,but I dabble now & then with soy. I do my best to inform my customers about the qualities of each product, without giving too many boring specs. I don't want anyone to be misinformed or afraid of what they've been told by the media.BTW-love your avatar :D Big KISS fan too :rockon:

thanks!! 10 days and I'll be at the concert can't wait to see them live!!!

thanks for the suggestions, you are right people can be misleaded by advertising!

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