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CD 8 or CD 10

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for 8 ounce jelly jars using ezsoy with no color ... the jelly jars are 2 1/5 inch diameter...

the cd 8's from wsp say for use in candles 2.5-3 inch diameter and the cd 10's say 3-3.5 inch diameter jars..

now the cd 8's seem like they would do the best for the size jar, but alot of people are saying they use a cd 10 - 12 .. wouldnt a 10 burn too hot for the jelly jar ?

and one other question about the CD wicks, do they tend to smoke or mushroom ??

so what is your opinion CD 8 or 10 to start with ? i know F/O's will burn differently the heavier ones will need wicked up ect ect, but i need a good starting point, ive never used CD's so need some help.. TIA

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ok, thats what alot of people have said but i kept looking at the chart and started thinking lol... i just dont want it to burn too fast, but i dont want any hang up on the sides either..

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I would say CD10, CD12 or 14 seem way too hot. I can send you a few CD8 & 10's if you want to try. I think My CD 8's are ones I have left from when I used JJ and I tabbed myself. What I found was when I first started making candles the CD8 was great in the jj burned nice and slow. But then I started getting wax, same wax, that was a little harder to burn so I went up to a CD10. Never had to go higher but I use Soy with cotton seed. The EZSoy is all soy, I think and should burn about the same. Let me and I'll get a few off in the mail.

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I have heard people use the CD10s. Never worked for me.:confused:

Make up a few candles at the same time, put a 10, 12, and 14 in it and see how they burn. Then you can decide what works best for you...

ETS: We all have different formulas, so each candle burns differently for each person. That is why you are getting so many different answers..

Start testing all the wicks you have questions..

It will all come together for you!!!:grin2:

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I have been testing with 464 and 6036 and a cd 8 works for most of my 8 oz jj's. With like vanillas I have to wick up to a 10.

I do like the cd wicks. I have not had one mushroom yet. I tried rrd's because a friend suggested it but they ALL shroomed horribly.

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I have been testing with 464 and 6036 and a cd 8 works for most of my 8 oz jj's. With like vanillas I have to wick up to a 10.

I do like the cd wicks. I have not had one mushroom yet. I tried rrd's because a friend suggested it but they ALL shroomed horribly.

The 464 burns way easier than her 415.

Get CD 10,12,14 you will need them. I think 10's and 12's mostly. I just tested 444 in my 9oz hex jars and settled on CD 12 & 14 mostly for them.


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thanks tootie i am sooo upset over these wicks it has to be because the wicks are from natures garden verses BCN, cuz i am not getting a HT off the ones with the new wicks from NG but when i light a candle with the old wicks from BCN the HT is awesome, but i cant judge for sure thought because it isnt the same scent as the other 2... but that is the only thing i changed was i ran out of the 1400 wicks from BCN and had just ordered some from NG and used them.. argh argh argh

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I stick with one supplier for wicks too. I used to get almost everything from KY but after moving out west that is not possible anymore with shipping costs. I have found candlescience to be one of the more reasonable shippers for me. Peaks is too.

So anyway lesson learned stick with your supplier for wicks...;)


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yeah i think before i start testing with a bunch of new wicks im just gonna order my hemp wicks from BCN again and see how it is then, cuz i honestly think it is just the NG wicks.. maybe they are old or something, i dunno

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yeah i think before i start testing with a bunch of new wicks im just gonna order my hemp wicks from BCN again and see how it is then, cuz i honestly think it is just the NG wicks.. maybe they are old or something, i dunno

I remember a while back that happened to me with HTP wicks....same supplier but the wicks were funky. I dont know what happened either....I started testing CD's then. Havent had any problems with them yet.....;)


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