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How Do You Do It??

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I know alot of you work full-time and make candles and B&B on the side, but how do you do it??? I am so exhausted I have more orders since I started working and work full-time and come home and work until 10. I am worn out. My orders vary, from week to week, but I am considering selling my business because I don't know if it is going to die down. I hate to do it, because I love it so....Any suggestions on how to make it all work.

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Careful Planning!

I work 2 jobs plus candles.

What works for me is - whoever beats me home...plugs in the prestos. Then I get home and pour. I have everything layed out (glass, molds, etc) before hand - usually do it in the mornings before work.

Then I get home and pour.

Packing I hate...but most of the time I can get DH to help with that.

My step daughter and her sister are getting in town today......well I have been struggling with time to test burning my new formula of wax. Guess what they are gonna get paid to do? lol. So by the end of their stay I should have at least 80% of my stuff retested. :laugh2:

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Do you do just candles or B&B I do shows as well so I have "stock" available at home for most things and on my days off one is devoted to replentishing stock and one for personal etc. then in the evenings I pack orders. Now sometime I make candles or soap as well but like previously stated I plan that ahead and have everything ready, lye water, oils measured etc. etc. It is hard, I cut back on some of my sizes of candles, alot of my lotion sizes / scents so maybe re-evaluate and see if there is some offerings you can reduce or discotinue so you can only make what seems to be selling to kinda keep ahead of yourself. It is a struggle believe me I know but it is a rewarding hobby / business.


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I am just doing candles right now, because that is my main business. Last week I had six large orders which came to $1000.00 and this weekend I wanted to rest, but got two orders Friday. These two orders are small orders so I can get them done quickly, but working, making meals, trying to clean house and do laundry are wearing me out. DH helps alot. He has done most of the housework the past few weeks, but I feel guilty... My specialty candles are time consuming, if I just had to melt and pour soy candles that would be easy for me, but those aren't selling as well as the specialty ones. I love making candles and making a profit I just don't know how to do it all...:confused: Maybe I will have my DIL help me......

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Not that I do near the amount of volume you're talking about.... but even at the level I do I know I would be SOL without an understanding husband. There really does have to be some understanding and acceptance that you aren't going to do as much around the house and he needs to be okay with stepping up. And whoever mentioned him benefiting from the $$$ was right as well. Just make sure that you really do take some ironclad time off when you are not accepting orders AT ALL and relax once in awhile!

(at least that's the advice I say I'll tell myself when the time comes) :laugh2:

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Is it possible to hire some extra help-either for the housecleaning-have a maid come in and do some of the cleaning for you, or to hire some kids (or other people needing additional income-to label candles, package, etc. I would love to get those kind of orders, but i don't know what kind of specialty candles you make.

i would take 1 day and make a bunch of meals for the month that you could freeze-or at the very least plan your meals for the week and go to the grocery store on sunday and get everything you need to make those meals so you're not constantly running to the grocery store.

It doesn't sound like you can handle this all on your own and if you don't get some sort of help you are going to be burnt out and that's no good. Giving up your regular job sounds good in theory, but my guess is the benefits are probably good enough to not want to give it up and hope that you make enough doing candles, etc. it's hard to put all of your eggs in one basket.

whatever you decide, good luck.


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I don't have a fulltime job but I do teach group fitness part time -- two days a week. I did have 2 days and 1 night. I quit the one night a while ago. Since my business has been picking up, I have been feeling the same way, but I am sure not as bad since I am not working fulltime out of the house and do not appear to be as busy as you sound. However, I am getting tired and burned out. I have been struggling making the decision to retire from the fitness world, but if I want to continue to grow I am going to have to retire. By the time I get home after my class and after running an errand or too since I am in town, most of my day is gone and I am shot from teaching. I find that I am loosing valuable time. I also have two kids, husband and a house to take care and not to mention my pets and horses. I have to find time to squeeze in the horses too. They need my time. I get overwelmed at times, and I agree with Bizzy....you have to be structured and organized, which I am not very good at. I am going to try to get myself to become better at this.

Maybe you can think about working part time since your business is doing so well? I would give it more time, but if things don't get better something will have to give.....less work out of the home or less wholesale accounts (if you have wholesale accounts).

I sure understand your frustration. I wish you the best in finding the balance. Hang in there. :)

P.S. Paying for extra help would be good too!

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P.S. I am going to join Dream Dinners. I don't have the time, energy or the drive to cook anymore....I mean I cook but not like I used to and I dread it every night. I feel sorry for my family. My husband is worthless in the kitchen. The time it takes to plan meals and go to the store is a pain too....I just don't have time. My husband makes most of the store runs on the way back from work, but I cannot give him lists that are too difficult....it confuses him and he is too tired as well to deal with it. LOL So, we eat real basic which is getting old. I eat out way to much. I love to eat but hate to cook and really don't have the energy or time.

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  • 2 weeks later...

That is wonderful that you do such good business from your website! Can you quit your full time job and just concentrate on your own business?

I don't get much traffic on my website and I work a full time job so I don't have that problem. It seems most of my sales are to family and co-workers. I just got done with a craft fair, the only one I do, and the weather was horrible but I did pretty good business. I am not sure how to promote my website and my product while working a full time job. Seems you don't have THAT problem! ;)

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I've scaled back my business quite a bit. I love making candles & soap, don't get me wrong, but I love my babies more! One is 3 and one is 4....and there are some days I look at them and wonder where the time went. It's like I missed a portion of their babyhood because I was busy filling orders/testing products. The business was becoming bigger than I could handle, and it was becoming too much like "work". I'm pretty happy right now with the way things are. I have time for more R&D at my pace, and when the babies are in school soon I can pick back up where I left off and hit the sales hard again. I'm still making a little bit of profit and I am able to spend more time with my family too. Everybody wins! :smiley2:

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