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Calendula Infused Oil???


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Can you use powdered botanicals for infusions? I want to make a calendula infused oil for my daughter, but I just have so much calendula powder instead of the dried flowers. I'm using it in a body powder. Anyway, wasn't sure if its not "strong" enough since it's been pulverized. LOL! Trying to be a good girl & NOT order more stuff. ;) Also, I have to use a different oil rather than the standard olive cause she's allergic to that. Sad, I know.

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Are you going to use the infused oil in a body powder? It might be easier to add the powdered calendula to your other dry ingredients.

Infusing the powdered botanical would be more difficult as it tends to sink to the bottom of the oil - unlike the dry herbs which tend to float in the oil.

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No, I wanted to use the oil for an eczema cream. I use the powder form in the dustin powder. Well, I guess there's no getting around it, so I'm just gonna have to break down & purchase some. It'll be my luck that I'll create a HUGE mess anyway.

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