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My first wax is a soy paraffin blend would it be better to switch to paraffin to gain some experience, maybe not as hard to find wicks or FO that work then try a blend or does it really matter since everything has to be tested anyway? And if you had to start over with what you know now what kind of wax Soy, Paraffin or Blend would you use and why?:grin2:

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IMO, if parasoy is where you'd like to end up, why try something else first? Considering the amount of testing required to have a good finished product, it'd be best for you to start with want you want to have eventually. HTH

My first wax is a soy paraffin blend would it be better to switch to paraffin to gain some experience, maybe not as hard to find wicks or FO that work then try a blend or does it really matter since everything has to be tested anyway? And if you had to start over with what you know now what kind of wax Soy, Paraffin or Blend would you use and why?:grin2:
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I plan to stay with what I started with. The reason why I am asking is a co-worker is bugging me to see one of my candles

because she says she makes candles too- Paraffin- and she wants to compare mine to hers-she always brags how easy hers are to make and what is taking me so long. Well I just started and the ones I poured look nice but the first wick I had seemed to burn ok but I had just a faint Ht- Anyways I got some advice

from a previous posted question which I plan to follow so I figure it will take awhile with testing, when I asked her how she got through her testing so quick she said she didn't have to test?

So I thought am I just slow? Should I be catching on faster?

Is parafin that easy to work with? Just curious what others thoughts were.

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Guest Amorelei
I plan to stay with what I started with. The reason why I am asking is a co-worker is bugging me to see one of my candles

because she says she makes candles too- Paraffin- and she wants to compare mine to hers-she always brags how easy hers are to make and what is taking me so long. Well I just started and the ones I poured look nice but the first wick I had seemed to burn ok but I had just a faint Ht- Anyways I got some advice

from a previous posted question which I plan to follow so I figure it will take awhile with testing, when I asked her how she got through her testing so quick she said she didn't have to test?

So I thought am I just slow? Should I be catching on faster?

Is parafin that easy to work with? Just curious what others thoughts were.

Be very careful to whom you listen. There are many about that have very, very limited experience who present themselves as experts here. Paraffin has it's set of demons, soy has it's set of demons. What is most important to you in a final product? Is HT your main concern? Easily colored candles? FO that works more often? Testing is required regardless of the medium you choose. If you could give us more specific questions, it will be easier to help you.

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This coming from someone with 20 posts. :tiptoe::tiptoe::tiptoe:

20 posts and 2 years on this board means nothing more than they don't post often. You have no idea if they have been making/selling candles for 20 years and have a bigger business and make better candles than you will ever imagine. :rolleyes2

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It wasn't anyone here it was a co-worker who overheard me talking to someone else and now she keeps bugging me. Everything I have read here states you need to test. I feel like I am on the right track but I just started so I know I still have lots of testing to do , cure times , FO's , Burn tests - She keeps telling me she doesn't and hers are great- and she uses paraffin.

I don't have experience so I wasn't sure.

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Guest Amorelei
This coming from someone with 20 posts. :tiptoe::tiptoe::tiptoe:

Actually, I have 25 posts. I was also a member of the old CT board. Would you like my entire resume as it relates to candle-making? Oh wait, if I give out too much information, then perhaps I'll begin receiving faxes with vulgarity or hacks into my website or emails or screenname.

ETA: now I have 26 posts.

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Guest Amorelei
It wasn't anyone here it was a co-worker who overheard me talking to someone else and now she keeps bugging me. Everything I have read here states you need to test. I feel like I am on the right track but I just started so I know I still have lots of testing to do , cure times , FO's , Burn tests - She keeps telling me she doesn't and hers are great- and she uses paraffin.

I don't have experience so I wasn't sure.

It sounds to me like you are much more conscientious than most people just beginning. You are on the right track, and I really hope you don't let someone dissuade you from that. She can brag about her candles as much as she likes, but that doesn't mean that anyone else is bragging about her candles. Congratulations on making the decisions you've made!

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I started a long time ago making paraffin container candles with zink wicks. There seems to be a larger variety of waxes and selection of wicks with soy. Soy seems more limited with the fragrances it will work with. And there can be a variation with soy wax quality from case to case. I can't speak to para-soy blends ... I have my hands full with working with the waxes I have now. ;)

Here's the link to an interesting poll that was taken September last year. You can see the variety of answers about their favorite wax. www.craftserver.com/forums/showthread.php?t=57843&highlight=poll .

Like Amorelei said, it all depends on the characteristics you want your candle to have. If you are confident in what you are working with now and are getting the results you want then go with it. If you aren't happy then start reading up on other waxes and ask for recommendations on the wax that seems to fit your expectations the best.

You can tell your co-worker you are in your "research & development" phase and does she have a wax to recommend since she's having such great results.

As for advice - you will soon be able to tell who the experienced candlemakers on this forum are by the quality of their posts - not just the number they have made!

Hope that helps.

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Thanks for all the replys I will just slow poke along at my own pace and not listen to her. She hasn't offered up one of hers for all her bragging and bugging maybe I will ask, then again maybe not I think I will tell her my dog ate all my wax so i just quit :grin2:

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I started out a loooonnngggg time ago. I actually started with gel....I thought it was the neatest stuff to play with. But I got tired of it QUICKLY!! Then I stumbled upon KY candle supply and vicky's board. I read every single page on the board and talked to Vicky a few times on the phone. Then I ordered my first wax KY125 and I used it for years....till we moved out west here and I can afford shipping of that wax anymore. So I have been forced to change and am playing with para-soy blend IGI6006 which I LOVE. I like instant gratification and a great HT and I get that form this wax. I have also been playing with my own mixes....totally interesting to say the least....You will find what is right for you. Test more than one wax (one at a time) and see what you like best.

Good luck


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Thanks for all the replys I will just slow poke along at my own pace and not listen to her. She hasn't offered up one of hers for all her bragging and bugging maybe I will ask, then again maybe not I think I will tell her my dog ate all my wax so i just quit :grin2:

That is my excuse for what happened to my notes!!:tiptoe: The min-pins ate them....;) . I still would ask her for a candle....would be interesting....since she has not tested...:tiptoe:


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Hey, who knows? Your co-worker might be right.... she doesn't test and has great candles! As great as the sh!t candles from the Dollar Store, Wal-Mart, :lipsrseal !

You're doing just fine -- take the time that you need to get something that you feel is great -- it'll be better than hers, hands down.

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I've made candles for 6 yrs & can tell you the testing never ends! I think it's wonderful to try different waxes that interest you, but I'd suggest you stick w/ what you already have going & work out all the kinks. It can be a bit overwhelming to try too many things at once. Get comfortable w/ your current wax & branch out from there. I think you're doing a great job getting to know the craft & making sure you have a quality product to be proud of.

Your co-worker sounds like a real joy. If she never did any testing, I'd be willing to bet she also has no need for insurance. I'd have a lot of fun asking her all kinds of bizarre questions every time she starts in w/ her pressure. Sounds like she's losing a lot of sleep worrying about what you're up to!! Is she asking you where you get your supplies?


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I think parasoy is a great place to start. I started with it, and stayed with it. I tried other stuff, but the scent retention, color, ease of pouring helped keep me with it.

There will be people, on this board, and elsewhere who have opinions, unfortunately it's up to you on who you believe. Don't believe everything you read/hear. As for post count...don't use that as a factor. If you find someone who seems credible, do a search on their screen name, you can see EVERYTHING they have posted about and you may learn that they are full of hot air, or actually know what they are doing.

Take this at your own pace, it's your name/reputation that is on the line. Some people don't care about that, others do. Take continued pride in your efforts, you are on the right track!! :)

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I've made candles for 6 yrs & can tell you the testing never ends! I think it's wonderful to try different waxes that interest you, but I'd suggest you stick w/ what you already have going & work out all the kinks. It can be a bit overwhelming to try too many things at once. Get comfortable w/ your current wax & branch out from there. I think you're doing a great job getting to know the craft & making sure you have a quality product to be proud of.

Your co-worker sounds like a real joy. If she never did any testing, I'd be willing to bet she also has no need for insurance. I'd have a lot of fun asking her all kinds of bizarre questions every time she starts in w/ her pressure. Sounds like she's losing a lot of sleep worrying about what you're up to!! Is she asking you where you get your supplies?


She has asked me several times and if she was kinder I would be willing to share but now i just say The Store and leave it at that.

I like your idea about the bizarre questions:grin2:

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Thanks for all the replys and thank you judy for the link. I don't know what to think about this co-worker :sad2: One time I made some soap as a gift for another co-worker and this same person

went around saying that she thought it smelled awful . Plummeria

It smelled great and my gift receipient loved it . I will stick with the parasoy I am using and when I gain more experience maybe I can try something else;)

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Don't ya just love co-workers!! ;)

I started with Parasoy and that's what I intend on staying with! Just keep right on with your testing.....later, while your co-worker is tied up in court due to her candles burning houses down, you'll be selling lots of beautifully tested candles!! :grin2:

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