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fragrance oil differences

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Is there really much difference between a fragrance oil made for candles as opposed to lotions and soap. I have some great fo's that smell just as strong as some of the candle only fo's I bought. So is there a big deal if I use one or the other. Can using the fo's that are not for candles specifically cause any typical problems. I found when I poured some candle fo into my wax it created some oil beads that would not stir in. I don't get this with plain fo's for soaps. So is the oil beads a necessary thing for a better scent throw perhaps.?


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I probably have only 2 FO's (out of about 85) that are for candles only. You can use FO's that are soap/skin safe for candles, but you need to test, as some just aren't strong enough for a good throw and are better left for just B & B products.

As for the FO not mixing, I personally will not keep a scent that does that. There are way too many good FO's out there that won't give you a problem. Some will eventually mix if you warm the FO slightly before adding it to the wax and stir like crazy. Also, make sure you haven't added more FO than the wax will hold, that could cause the problem. :cool2:

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