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Why do my rose petals turn brown in my soap?


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Every time I make cold process soap or glycerin melt & pour soap, my rose petals always end up turning a yucky color of brown.

Is there any way to preserve the beautiful red/pink color? I think the soap would look so much better.

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Yep - I know about the rat turds. Too funny.

Seriously though, What I am doing is grinding my rose petal into fine pieces and I want them infused in my soap not on top.

Any ideas anyone?

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I don't know this for entirely sure, but I love dried flowers, so it's worth a thought to check into.

Usually heat and/or dried botanicals getting wet and then hardening will make them that ugly brown. I wonder if there is a light wax that could be applied that would wash off, or possibly a coating of some type of preservative that is soluable could be put on them before they lose the pretty color and would protect from other ingredients getting to the petals...

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Now the wax is a VERY good idea.

I have been playing around with freezing my roses before letting them air dry and have had wonderful results as far as the roses keeping their original color. BUT - once they hit soap - "poof" brown!

I think I'll try the wax idea. Good post!

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the wax would saponify in CP - but it might hold up in MP.

Another thought is that I preserved fall leaves in glycerin (there are directions on here in the craft section I think) - maybe it would work for soaping botanicals?

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I think what Carebear was saying is that if we lightly coat rose petals with wax, then put in the melt & pour glycerin soap, that the petals might retain their color.

It makes sense to me, but the only problem might be is that the wax might turn white when it gets hard and then the rose won't look like a rose anymore.

However, if the glycerin was hot enough to lightly melt the wax - it might remove enough off to allow the rose color to show through.

I love to experiment. So, I think I will give it a whirl this afternoon and see what happens.

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You are right, Southern, about the wax part. But smarshall and I were also talking about using glycerin to "preserve" the petals to be used in CP. But she sounds right that not being ultimately protective either...

Still, interesting experiments are incredibly valuable - so please post what you do and how it works!!!

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Carebear - IT WORKED!!!

Oh, my gosh - the roses look great. I tried 2 kinds 1 dark pink dried, 1 white dried & 1 dark pink straight off the rose bush + 1 white straight off the rose bush.

I used this wax that was a very clear wax. I coated each petal once, let it dry a few seconds and coated it again. The wax did not turn the roses white at all but actually brought out the color of the rose.

They both turned out great. And, honestly - the ones directly off the bush look just like they do on the rose itself.

As soon as this soap hardens enough to pop out of the mold, I will put up pictures on my website and post the link.

Thank you for your awesome suggestion. Now, I will be making rose soap over the holiday weekend.

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Well, thanks to everyone's suggestions and thanks to this board. What an awesome place to get help and share information. Thanks to my friend Debbie for telling me about it.

This test was done with melt and pour glycerin, so the way it looks now won't change. I haven't tried this in cold process soap, but believe me - that is on the agenda for tomorrow!

Here is the link for the pics of the melt and pour with roses. It really did work.


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Well, thanks to everyone's suggestions and thanks to this board. What an awesome place to get help and share information. Thanks to my friend Debbie for telling me about it.

This test was done with melt and pour glycerin, so the way it looks now won't change. I haven't tried this in cold process soap, but believe me - that is on the agenda for tomorrow!

Here is the link for the pics of the melt and pour with roses. It really did work.


I guess it is safe to say both ladies helped. :highfive:

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Well hello Southern Crafter :highfive: I am so glad to see you here. You will love it, there are so many new ideas and helpful and friendly people. The roses with the wax look great in the soap!

MissMary and CareBear and so many others are really helpful.

You can put your website link in your signature if you want to.

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I hate to say it but they will always turn brown because the natural oil in the petals will go rancid it might be sooner or it might be later but it will happen. you can use silk flower petals just be sure you remove any plastic parts first. ;)

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