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Jarstore discontinuing lots of jars!!! Oh my!

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Was surfing the web, looking for a particular lid and stumbled upon www.canwax.com (jar store's canadian distributor) and saw the 9 oz. Melting Pot jar that I've been testing for the past few weeks.

They had a note that the jar store would be discontinuing this jar. What????!!!!

So, I called the jar store and they confirmed that yes, the MELTING POT jar and the HONEY POT jars are being discontinued. Seems their mfg. co. in China, just closed shop in mid production and went bankrupt.

ALSO, jar store is discontinuing all frosted jars as well.

Getting pricing now for a pallet of the 9 oz. melting pot. Seems they were unable to negotiate the continued mfg. of these jars with Libbey (I think that's what she said). Anyway, she said they'll probably be all gone in a few days!


Just thought I'd pass this along...:sad2:


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That is a bummer. Regarding the frosted jars, that is because Anchor Hocking is discontinuing a lot of their frosted jars, and I believe the Jar Store carried their jars....I think.

Hmm I wonder if that jar frosting company got wind of this ahead of time. I have been getting like 2 mailers a week from them for the past two months! Daisaka or something like that. Guess all those mailers didnt work since i cant remember their name lol.

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