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Performa Wicks and Soy

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Does anyone here use Performa Wicks in soy or EzSoy, and if so, what are your comments?

I have been thinking about trying these wicks but not too many people seem to use them and I was wondering if there was a reason for it.

I use EzSoy a/k/a GB 415.


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I've used the performa95 with 8 oz jj and ezsoy and they work GREAT. The only problem I had is that I'm in TX and I have to order them from WI so it takes a week to get them in. I got an order in and the oil had spilled all over the wicks so I was out of wicks for a week waiting for them to get in and it put me in a real bind on production. I switched over to HTP's cause I can get them locally. Never could get the performa to work right in my big jars (4 in diam), but I do use performa180's in my 8 oz blue tumblers with 3 in diam. I love them cause they don't do the self trimming bend thing and they burn great. Give them a try I think you'll really love them. Actually, you've got me thinking about going back to them.

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Thanks Lisa!

I am sorry to hear about your dilemma about your oil and wick dilemma!

I think I will order a sample pack and see how they do. I actually will be trying them out in larger jars. I have tried CDs and HTPs and I can get the HTPs to work in most but I am having a problem getting a few fragrances to work half way down the jar. I even double wick.

If anyone else here has experience with these wicks I would love to hear from you!

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I have been testing the Performas in a 75/25 soy/para blend and so far so good. As long as you have the right combo they work GREAT. They are so smooth burning and I also like that they stand straight up. I double wicked a 16 oz melting pot jar, 3.5 in with 2 90's will try 85's, the 90's were a little to hot 3/4 of the way down. The 9 oz melting pot 3.25 in takes a 140 or 180.


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I know what you mean about the curling. I am not sure why but that really bugs me. I just don't like the way the flame looks when the wick curls over. I must be a little anal.

I am going to be trying them in 6 oz, 11 oz and 20 oz tureens. I am almost sure I will have to double wick the 20 oz.

I have not ordered them yet. Just thought I would get some opinions on them to get a clue of what I am getting into.

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Try lightly twisting the wick (any flat wick) before you put your wick bar or wick centering tool on top of the jar...it helps a little with those curled wicks burning to one side or the other as the candle burns. I know what you mean about the curled wick...bugs me too. Really hate when it burns just one side of the candle, or one side more than the other.

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