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Shari's Soap and others new experiments.

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The first is some lavender soap requested by my daughter-in-laws good friend Shari. It is scented with infused oil (2 cups ground lavender buds/1 cup olive oil) and my lavender buds this year are VERY strong. When I opened the jar the smell infused my entire house! She said the appearances of the soap was not important but I was also told she likes the looks of the blue and green swirls of the bayrum soap so tried to design it to fit lavender. Ok, didn’t work out like I thought it would. The base has a green tint from the herbs and EVOO, the colored portion is supposed to be a slightly blue scale lavender. I used 3 parts titanium dioxide to 2 parts WSP purple sparkle and 1 part blue oxide. When I poured it was actually still very red toned, but by the next morning this is what I got, a rather grayish blue. Oh well, it smells GREAT! LOL.

The second is lavender/chamomile requested by my neighbor. This was my first try with TBC pop colors. I thought if I used just a tiny bit of the grape it would be pale… WRONG! LOL. Both the purple (grape pop) and yellow (lemon pop) were added at about ¼ tsp/ppo. The soap is made with finely ground chamomile and infused oil of chamomile and lavender.

The third picture is my first try with whipped soap in a tray mold and with additives. Cucumber and carrots added to mimic the summer garden soap, scented with cucumber, mint, and melon. Normally three lbs of oils files this mold to 1 ¼ inches, but whipped it is 2 1/3 inches deep. As you can see it is still very brittle so I will wait three to 5 days before cutting. I can’t say I’m all that impressed with whipped soap so far, it seems more a novelty than anything else to me. Needing the 80% hard oils to have a consistency suitable for whipping makes it difficult (for me) to balance my oils for the characteristics I want.

This time I used palm oil as my predominant oil, with CCO (10%) olive oil (10%) and castor oil (10%). The stearic in the palm never did completely incorporate, as you can see by the little lumps on the surface. That was after 2 hours being whipped off and on in the kitchen aid. At that point I thought it was smooth enough to process… I started seeing the little lumps again after I started adding the chilled lye water, to late to stop by then. So we will see if this will be a keeper or not.

Thanks for looking.




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Oh Grandma your soaps are always so gorgeous. :yay: I think I'm just going to do on the top swirls until I can afford to buy a slab mold.

I would love to have some of those wonderful lavender buds you have.

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Hi Grandma,

Just wanted to say.....THANK YOU SOOOO MUCH! :yay:

I think that you do a wonderful job with all of your soaps! And I am drooling over the Lavender :drool: ! I can't wait to smell it!

I appreciate all the hard work you put into it, you are such a doll! Kind like that daughter in law of yours, just shh....don't tell her I said that. I got this reputation as a meany...don't want her to know otherwise! LOL!

Thank you again for everything, I sooo appreciate it,


ps...it's pretty cool seeing your name as the title to a thread! ha ha :laugh2:

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OmG! They all look fabu! But I have to say... my favorite is the purple and yellow (my two fave colors). Gorgeous frickin' swirls! It's kinda odd seeing your soap so bright, LOL I'm used to seeing the more earthy colors in your soap. Don't stop though! It looks good!!! And that whipped soap... if you need a tester... I'd be more than happy to test! lmao They all look fantastic! :yay:

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Thank you all.

Ginger… when you going to have time to make some soap? I keep waiting to see the beautiful creations I know you will make.

Shari, I hope the colors suit you. The colors are not what I had in mind, but not as bad as it could have been, LOL. And I know you are a nice person cuz if you weren’t my sweet daughter in law would have cryed and I would have had to go beat you up! LOL. Give her and those girls a hug for me please. I miss them so…

Lady, the lavender buds I have right now came from a friend who is a lavender freak. But you can get some very nice lavender buds from WSP. Get the darker ones, a little more expensive but also a little stronger scent.

Donna… it’s your fault! You’re the one who got me started experimenting with these colors! LOL. I don’t know whether to thank you or curse you, LOL. ANOTHER can’t live with out supply! LOL. I knew you would love the lavender/chamomile (well, the looks, not scented as strong as you like, but very strong for me). I do need to practice to get what I want… I am so inexperienced with this part of it. And you know if the whipped soap cures to be acceptable you’ll get a chunk.

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