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Another 'dot/heart' soap

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Here is another 'dot to heart' soap I made this morning, with yesterdays soap still in the mold. I cut yesterdays but haven't taken it out of the mold because I HATE the way it turned out and have no desire to work with it until I see if the one I made today will turn out.

Today's is not 100% lard. It's 70% lard and 30% CO. We'll see. LOL it's all the oils I had at my disposal until my Oil order arrives. :)

Anyway, it's scented grape and I really like the way it looks. I hope it doesn't mess up like the one beside it! :)



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I like that one!! Sorry your other one didn't turn out like you wanted! I wonder what make it turn darker?

It didn't go too dark (the pic makes it look darker) just a little ecru color - lol

But the hearts discolored/ashed and the whole thing just looks funky. When I took it out of the mold, I have big lighter tan colored round spots - not like dos because these are BIG round spots and they are light color, not orange. I did the zap test and it's normal, no tingling or anything, so I don't know. I just attribute it to the 100% lard and leave it at that! LOL

(I was just thinking of you Steph - both you and Rob - hope you are doing well! Happy Mothers Day)

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