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What's cooking in your weekend plans?


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Nothing cooking for me this weekend. I have one of my biggest festivals this weekend. I need lots of good weather vibes sent this way, it is suppose to be cloudy, chilly and showers all weekend! I am going to send the soap fairies after Mother Nature, so no one has to worry about them being at your house!!! I have the tent & tables all set up. Booth decorated and all of my totes there, that is out of the way. Hope everyone has great shows this weekend if you are doing one!

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May the sky king smile upon you and bless you with perfect weather and lots of customers wanting to spend money at your booth.

As for me, its pine tar soap again and whatever else moves me. I made my tester batch and recently gave a bar to a friend of mine whose daughter has severe excema. It totally cleared it up and she said her DD's skin has not been that soft since she was a baby! All my other testers loved it too and did not mind the scent - those that did not care for it initially ended up liking it once they got the bar in the shower. I still don't like the scent though.

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Merideth I use a little lavender eo in my pine tar soap and it masks the scent a little. I use it as a shampoo bar once or twice a week it head with my eczema and it has helped 90%. I sell tons of it too. I also make an Emu soap ( a little pricey) but it sure has helped many with their eczema. It doesn't smell as bad either.

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What's cooking in my weekend plans??? My Three's Company Swap soap! LOL I keep procrastinating and making excuses for reasons NOT to soap. lol

Don't know what's gotten into me! lol

Hope you do well at your show! I'll send some good vibes out to you Super Sue!!!

Pm'ing you too on that Emu soap!!!!

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Must make soap, a ton of candles and about 90 or more lip balms and a couple of batches of sweet pea bath bombs. Thankfully the humidity is gone or I could have bombed yesterday lol.

Inbetween all that, still working on a website that was wiped out.

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