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first time to sell to public


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Hi, I am a homeschool mom and in a few weeks I am setting up at the homeschoolers used book sale. I emailed the sponser and asked if I could bring anything other than my books. She said sure, so I'm going to take a few of my candles! I know that is not a craft fair, but since I'm going to be there anyway, why not just put a dozen candles on one side and just see. It can't hurt right? What do you think?

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Sounds like a plan to me.

Make sure all your legal stuff is handled.

i.e... Liability insurance, Tax ID number, Assumed Name Certificate, Sales Tax and Use Permit.....

Man it is hard to make money lol

Good luck though

Hope it works out, and what a great idea to merchandise.

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Assuming you're in the right place in your venture (see above and add testing your product to the list), I don't know... depends on what kind of image you are going for. Mixing used books and candles might not be the best place to showcase your hard work.

Is there were time to work out some samples and brochures with some cute bags to hand out when someone makes a purchase? Have you ever made samples? Or do you make votives?

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No, I don't make votives (I have a 4oz.container)and yes I have done my testing. Not all my candles are good, just certain scents that I am satisfied with. Those are the ones I would take. Also, this booksale is not in my local area. It would not really be an advertising thing. IT is a bunch of homeschool people who get together to sell their used books and get ones for the next year. They do however encourage moms to display and sell anything they or their children make or interact in. Normally that is kitchen stuff (like someone who sells pampered chef) or special learning material or programs. When you homeschool thats kinda like your job, so you get tired of just books, books. The other things are suppose to bring a "fun" aspect to the gathering. Like some moms buy the pretty kitchen bowls or recipes....etc. They also play games with the kids.(cakewalk, guess that item, etc) Granted when I go my mind is on books and I don't pay attention to the other stuff. However...........since some moms DO enjoy that, I thought hey why not put some candles out and just see if I could make a little money to pay for my book table rental ($15.00) or even better , candle supplies. So not really advertising cause I only interact with these people once a year. I thought about putting my books on .75 of my table and the candles on the remaining .25. Then maybe some homemade cutesy purses in a box under the table with some of my brothers birdhouses. That way the main focus (the books ) are there up front and center for people like me and the other things are there for the bored moms who are walking around looking for something different. This is a small limited time (4hrs.)function and we search over and under tables and boxes for what we want. Oh and out of all the tables and boxes of books there is usually like only 3 people who bring something else.

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