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Mixing question for body scrub


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OK, I have MMS Glycerin Scrub Base and BCS/BCN lotion base. I'm thinking about mixing the two for a more moisturizing scrub, as it's currently drying my skin out and I have oily skin! LOL

Will that work? If not, what can I add to the scrub base to moisturize? I'm thinking more oils? I have Vit E, Apricot Kernel Oil, Hemp Oil, Grapeseed oil, Jojoba Oil and some others.

I'm also using a FBB base and what it to be more moisturizing as well. That's really drying for me and it's a little on the stiff side.

Can you tell I'm new at this?

My Body Butter is perfect though! LOL

Any thoughts on this?

Thanks much!


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:bump: Not one person has a suggestion?

OK, I have MMS Glycerin Scrub Base and BCS/BCN lotion base. I'm thinking about mixing the two for a more moisturizing scrub, as it's currently drying my skin out and I have oily skin! LOL

Will that work? If not, what can I add to the scrub base to moisturize? I'm thinking more oils? I have Vit E, Apricot Kernel Oil, Hemp Oil, Grapeseed oil, Jojoba Oil and some others.

I'm also using a FBB base and what it to be more moisturizing as well. That's really drying for me and it's a little on the stiff side.

Can you tell I'm new at this?

My Body Butter is perfect though! LOL

Any thoughts on this?

Thanks much!


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I have never used the bases you have so no help there. I would try it though and see what happens. I would think it would work as long as it doesn't seperate. I have read where people have made scrubs out of lotions.

I do use FBB sometimes and have found it to be stiff also, I played around with it and added more then the 2 oz oz of oil they reccommend with great results, I have added as much as 5 ozs to a pound of it. You have to add the oils in slowly and keep whipping as you add the oil to it. I have not had it deflate that way. I found jojoba, avocado, hemp, and apricot oils to work well for cutting the dryness of it. I have also used hazelnut, pumpkin oil, shea oil, they have all done some good. I hope that helps a little.

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Oh Thank you so much! OK, I'll try adding more oils slowly and seeing how that works. I thought that might be the way to go, but didn't want to start that process unless I got someone else's opinion. OK, off to test "add".

Have a great evening!


I have never used the bases you have so no help there. I would try it though and see what happens. I would think it would work as long as it doesn't seperate. I have read where people have made scrubs out of lotions.

I do use FBB sometimes and have found it to be stiff also, I played around with it and added more then the 2 oz oz of oil they reccommend with great results, I have added as much as 5 ozs to a pound of it. You have to add the oils in slowly and keep whipping as you add the oil to it. I have not had it deflate that way. I found jojoba, avocado, hemp, and apricot oils to work well for cutting the dryness of it. I have also used hazelnut, pumpkin oil, shea oil, they have all done some good. I hope that helps a little.

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I tried making sugar and salt scrubs using lotion base, and the lotion dissolved the graines. They did not stay 'scrubby' and it was just a liquidy mess. YMMV.


Yes, you cannot effectively add sugar to any base containing water. You can add extra oils to the FBB and add sugar to that, though I still find it to be drying. I have found that when you add enough oil for it to actually feel moisturizing, it is no longer very sudsy :cry2:

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