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searching for a dupe of gold canyon's comfy cabin

carol k

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i'm looking for a dupe of gold canyon's comfy or cozy cabin. i did a search & i didn't find anything about it. i could have missed it. i tried fragranceoilfinders & it didn't have it listed either. any help will be appreciated. tia.

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i'm looking for a dupe of gold canyon's comfy or cozy cabin. i did a search & i didn't find anything about it. i could have missed it. i tried fragranceoilfinders & it didn't have it listed either. any help will be appreciated. tia.

Hi Carol,

I used to use Creative Candle Supplies' Comfy Cabin and it was exactly the same. Bummer thing is she no longer sells fragrance oils and I have not found a replacement. I posted a thread on here asking if anyone knew where to find the same one and I did get a response to a scent that could be it, but I have not ordered it yet. It is from a place that I do not order from. I need to look up that thread because I would really like to find this scent again. That was one of my favorites from GC and was my husband's favorite. I am trying to find CG's Ginger Lime as well, but never have found it. I have a sample of Daystar's Ginger Lime and it smells very similiar out of bottle.

I will let you know if I find another Cozy Cabin frafrance oil. :)

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well i don't know. i had a customer asking for it. i checked gold canyon's website & it's not even listed so i could not even read a description of what it's supposed to smell like. so if anybody knows what is smells like please post a description of it. tia.

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It is very musky smelling and to me a little powdery. It is not only a masculine type scent but also feminine. It is very powerful. You have to like that sort to like it. The people that do, really do. I am one of them and my husband really likes it as well.

Gold Canyon was my favorite (and still is) candle company when I was a big candle buyer before I started to make candles. They just had their 10th anversary and she started in her kitchen as well. They are huge now and have great candles. I have to be careful that I do not compare myself with them. They are WAY beyond me and I can't expect me to keep up. lol

Here is their description of Cozy Cabin:

This soft, woodsy fragrance has the invigorating aroma of the great outdoors.

That does not really describe it very well.

Gold Canyon was just in the Empowering Women magazine. They are very inspiring.

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i checked out makes scents description & i don't think that's it. the lady i talked to said it didn't have any pine smell to it. oh well the search continues.

Hi Carol,

The description Gold Canyon gives does not describe it well. There is no pine scent in it that I detect. It is very musky smelling and powdery. Cologne type smell. It really is a beautiful scent if you like that kind of scent. I would not call it woodsey at all because I do not smell pine, green, wood, etc. It may be it. It is very masculine smelling but yet soft and powdery.....and strong.


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i checked out makes scents description & i don't think that's it. the lady i talked to said it didn't have any pine smell to it. oh well the search continues.

P.S. The lady that sells it or the lady that may have requested you to find it?

Gold Canyon's does not have any pine smell to it -- I elaborated more in my post right above.

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someone mentioned that they get their cozy cabin from makes scents i checked out makes scents description & that is not it. the lady that requested i get the scent said it didn't have any pine smell to it. next time i set up at a show where the gold canyon people are also set up i'll have to check it out. hope that's alittle easier to understand. sorry

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someone mentioned that they get their cozy cabin from makes scents i checked out makes scents description & that is not it. the lady that requested i get the scent said it didn't have any pine smell to it. next time i set up at a show where the gold canyon people are also set up i'll have to check it out. hope that's alittle easier to understand. sorry

No problem Carol. You know how it can be at times trying to get things across through typing. Karyn above said that she gets her's from Make Scents and she said there is no Pine in it. So, Make Scents' description said it has pine in it? Karyn said she does not smell it. Maybe their decscription is off. Even Gold Canyon's description does not fit it. I really don't consider GC's Cozy Cabin as woodsey. The one at Make Scents may be it. I sure wish Creative Candle Supplies was still open. Their's was DEAD ON. They also had an Orange Clove that was really good too and I have not found a replacement for that one either. I have Millcreeks but have not tested it yet.

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It doesn't have a pine smell but Wowsee it still smells good!!

Hi Karyn,

Is Make Scents' musky and powdery smelling? That is the best description I can give re GC's, but that may not even be the right description. I really do love it though. Thanks.

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well alright,that gives me somewhat of an idea. I just got this scent from Flicker's called mystic woods, there's no pine Christmasy smell at all. To me ,it smells like a really sexy outdoors scent.

maybe a masculine cologne? My hubby loved it,I cannot keep myself away from it:drool: (thanks Abbie)

I would suggest ordering a sample, because it may be what you're looking for.

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It just smells woodsy - outdoorsy to me...not sure what the scents are but I don't smell pine. I hate pine! :smiley2: My husband loves it. He has the air freshener is his pickup. Sorry, I can't be more help.

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