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One pour wax?

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O.K. I need help. I was so proud of my first candles in 4oz. tins. They came out perfect. Now I made my second batch and I'm almost embarrassed by them. I used Peak perfomance blend both times. In my second batch I poures in 8oz jj and 4oz tin. This morning I noticed they are all uneven at the top and have sort of a pot hole around the wick. Can anyone help? I really want to fix this.

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Just went through this yesteday.....I am using C&S 1275 to try a one pour...and a one pour it is...with the exception of a few "worm holes" on the top and a little uneven top. I just went to Walmart at the suggestion of one lovely soul who answered my question. Zapped the top and viola....the top is smooth. I did find that one had a huge "canyon" so to speak and that one was not repairable. So...when you hit it with the gun...it will either fix itself or fall apart. Good luck. Anymore questions...let me know. :grin2:

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I had the same problem with a few batches several weeks ago. I found through trial/error and some helpful advice that I was pouring my wax at too high a temp. I lowered my pour temp by about 10-15 degrees on the last batch and the craters were gone and the tops were perfect. I use comfort blend and soy.

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I'm not talking about worm holes. These look like small craters around the wick. I was thinking I probably poured too hot. I'l just have to try again.:P Making me crazy and only my second shot. Much like my golf game. Wiff....Hook...Slice AHHHHH

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The ones with the big "canyons" aren't ruined, just use the heat gun (a total lifesaver I'm tellin' ya) to melt a bit and then do a repour to fill it in. ;)

I didn't have a heat gun for a looooong time, ddn't think I really needed one since I don't do pillars or votives and use a one pour wax, but lately the tops of my containers have been coming out really funky, so I just zap 'em with the gun, and it also comes in handy for "cleaning" out those tester jars etc.


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