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Cat molds


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I need a cat mold.I found a couple but not sure it is what I want.Would like some other ideas for one.Maybe 5 to a mold.Doing a fundraiser and want to make a few dollars.I got a space donated to me and I will do candles and soap.About all proceeds will go to the spay clinic I organize.I spend enough of my own money anyway.

My color is going to be blue for about all.Now besides blueberry muffin what other scents COULD be blue.Oh one could be a ocean scent.Downey too.Can anyone help with more please???

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Here are a few molds to choose from. It is kind of hard to tell what they really look like by these pictures but they are cheap.


I'm glad you're working so hard to help spay kitties. I used to help with the feral cats in our area. I hope you do well.

As for the blue scents, what about rain water, and how about musk scents?

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Thank You to all of you for the ideas.The "I love my kitty" mold I like.I want something where I can do more than one.The one molds you have to buy so many and the bars of soap etc are to big.Great help on color and scent ideas too.


Just talked to a lady last night who wants me to fix 2 ferals.She was outside of the bank where she works and had a trap.I said "Do you want to catch a cat" and she said a yellow one.I said "Well better get another trap there are 2(identical twins)". So now she and I are going to catch, fix and she is taking them to her 19 acre farm with a huge brand new barn.I told her she must confine them till they get used to the barn.She knew that.We were both glad we met because both want the problem taken care of.I no longer will have to feed there and they will have a warmer safer place. Oh and will be FIXED.


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