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Zen Cart resources

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Hello all!

After spending my entire weekend trying to locate resources to help me in designing my website and coming up with barely anything (the zen forums only help if you know exactly what you're looking for)-- I figured I'd ask you knowledgeable folks.

Have you found any good resources -- other than buying the ebook (which I already have) to help one work on their own design/layout? The ebook really just delves into the backend (admin area) and doesn't work much on the actual aesthetics of the site.

I'm really well-versed in html and I'm learning more on CSS, but the pages that make up zen cart are so confusing! They're a mix of html, css and php! I know absolutely nothing about php and am a little apprehensive about messing around with the coding. Granted, my site is not online for people to see and visit freely, but I've invested so much time in this, I'd like to see or hear about some sites and resources that may be a diamond in the rough out there. I'd appreciate any gems you can toss my way!

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I know there is a downloads area on zen carts main page, that's where i got the plug in for the multi item per row on my site.


I'm still trying to get the override to work :undecided

PHP is it's own beast, i'll do the manual adjustments like adding in boxes updating the logo and stuff other then that i won't touch it.

Your best bet would be to buy a book on PHP code.

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For my site I used zen cart, and I am totally ignorant about css and html. Could see more sense in PHP because I'm a computer programmer, but i didn't touch the look a lot. I chose a free template on the site, and didn't make any big change to it, maybe the background color LOL

I found that the support site is full of useful information, I did everything without buying a book, then when I did it I found out I could save the money because everything was in the support forum.

Sorry i couln'd be of any help, just read the forum and maybe you can find the how and where of your questions!

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I have 3 sites with zen-cart. The over-ride system is really easy once you understand it. Unfortunately there are no over-rides for admin files, so if you change any of those, you need to make sure you have the original files saved too. I have a few of the mods added to my sites also. If you need any help with your site, I would be happy to help. Love playing with zen-cart!


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Thanks you two! **ETA three! :)

I have spent countless hours between their index of FAQ and the forums and the way those things get sidetracked... wow.

I DID find something called zenmagick which sounds REALLY promising. Has anyone else heard of this or better yet-- used it? I'm a little on the safe side and am trying to learn more about it before I put it on. I've read that it's great, but that some add-ons don't really work well with it. Basically what it is in a nutshell is that it's supposed to make it easier for someone to change their template. YES! haha

I'm looking to totally re-do the look of the site so it looks nothing like a zen-store. I would like to do it all on my own, but after this weekend and not getting too far, I got a little discouraged. What I did manage to find in the zen forums is that a lot of people agree that the coding is awful for those who want to just get to the layout and design aspect and not mess between so many pages of code and tmp_files. I've even contacted a couple of people for quotes on what it would cost to have them take my template made in psd and put it into a workable site. LOL After trying to do things myself, I have a feeling the quotes are going to be up there!!!!

Sabrina-- do you happen to have any php books that you could recommend? I've wasted so much $ on books that I've later found for free on websites, so anything you could recommend would be appreciated. :)

Denise-- I will take all the help you want to offer. haha Any tips would help... really! I kinda got the gist of how the files are set up in the backend, but I'm looking to do some major layout changes. I have a feeling that I need to figure out some CSS too. I only know some basic stuff and even then, it's not that much....

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jadewicks, I'm not of much help here, I know waht the basics of programming are and I simply searched for PHP syntax on the web.

But (I may be wrong here) I don't remember PHP having nothing to do with the template. the php coding transfers data from database to pages. pages display "variables" which are filled by PHP commands (as for name, cart total for example). So if you use the same variables in a different template you should be ok with php and forget it.

But since I didn't work much with the graphics I'm not sure LOL!!

I'd like to have a different look but I decided that when I can I will pay someone to do it.

I spent too much time with the site, it took me 5 months and still needs improvements. Good luck, and have fun!

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I have tested Zen Cart along with Cube Cart and OsCommerce several times over a period of years. Right now, I am liking Zen cart the best, but the name is a real misnomer 'cause Zen it ain't!:laugh2:Their script has improved a LOT over the years and each time I mess with it, the happier I am with it.

While it helps to understand html, css and php, it is NOT necessary. Many times all you have to do to make changes is locate the code and replace a word or two or copy the code you have been given by the kind folks at the support forum and paste it into or over the old. I don't understand very much about any of it and am able to limp through pretty well.

What are you wanting to do that you don't understand?

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HAHA! You're so right... just reading that bit you wrote on php, I found myself skimming right over it...like my eyes glaze over. haha I don't know if I'm up for the challenge of doing the whole cart like I do my other sites. I just don't know that much (or have the time). I'd much rather be making things! :)

I do hope others will find this useful. The zen forums just seem so huge and intimidating.


Man, you girls are quick! haha Stella, I posted and found you had written before I finished jabbering away. :P In any case, I'm trying to totally redo the layout. I understand this can be done with the layout box controllers in the admin, but I'm wanting to make my site look completely different. I may have to get a pic of what I'm thinking of doing. I'm not completely done with my 'idea' in photoshop yet, but it's got the general layout. Right now I'm fiddling with the wrappers for the header and the main navigation area. In the stylesheet I'm really getting frustrated that they put so many of the classes together with the same effect (if THAT makes sense!). HA! Sheesh... I can feel my head spinning again - it's been doing that a lot lately...

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May I make a suggestion? Take a look at the templates you can get free (be sure the version number matches the version of ZC you are using). Find one somewhere that is close to what you like, then start modifying from there.

Sometimes, you may not be able to get what you want from a cart program (like if you want a blog, etc.) and another CMS system (like Joomla) would do a better job for you. Even SMF forums have a cart mod, so it all depends on how you want your site to look and what features you want on your site. Once you have that down, then you can shop around to see which is the best way to "skin the cat."

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PS I SOOOO understand about the head reeling - I have been on vacation from messing with mine for the last couple of weeks and am fixing to go back to working on it. It's a brain buster, but little by little, I begin to "get it"... of course as soon as I THINK I understand, they'll change everything and leave me in the dark...:rolleyes2

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See, I've been thinking long and hard about what cart to go with for a long time. I've seen that they even have templates you can pay for. BTW, where are these free templates you talk of? haha All the ones I see are upwards of $150 (which, really... is worth it to get rid of this headache). I've heavily thought about purchasing a template that's close to what I want and tweaking it... don't tempt me! :P

I think part of my 'anal' side wants to know how to do it myself too. Talk about bipolar! haha I'm going to post that link on zenmagick though. I wanna hear some thoughts on this one...


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Good luck girlie!

I have been shopping around for quotes on either Zen Cart or CRE Loaded.

I like my site - just want a different cart. So I would need to be custom.

If you figure it out - you can make some $$$.. I have been quoted from $350 - $1200 for the things I want. Mine will have to wait till next month - house taxes killed me this month.

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I am in the process of leaving the "zen cart" look:


I am not done entering products, but it will give you an idea of what can be done with the program and I did it myself. Just takes alot of tweaking and I used a template from sage fish and adapted it to my liking.

Need any help and I will try to assist, pm me. I did find a great deal of support in the Zen Cart forums.

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Great job on the site. Looks nothing like zen!

AGREED! It looks great! I would have had no idea it was zen and neither that it was adapted from sage's template. Nice work. :)

I may have to try to have another go at the forums it looks like. haha Guess it helps to give it a day or so and try to find what you're looking for again. :P

Btw, thanks Mizzb! :) One of the quotes that came back was on the higher end of what you wrote... a tad high considering I just need my design coded into the site. Just the main page, I can figure out the rest. lol

And Denise-- you've been a doll! Thanks for that link. I didn't realize that there was an area that showed you all the templates they had in action.

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