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Iron candle dishes


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Man am I slow today...just put a place with your picture.

When i found out it was in Coeur d' Alene...and you're in WA. Are you in Spokane?

I need to go check this place out. I'm only about 45 minutes away from it.

Hi Linda,

I was up in Hayden (right near Coeur d' Alene) the other day and I went into the Picket Fence. I saw these dishes there. When I got home I went online and found the ones I posted the picture of at http://www.countryporch.com/home-accessories/candle/candle-dish.asp They are exactly the same as the ones I saw at the Picket Fence. The prices are too high at both places. I am trying to find them at wholesale price. I can't remember the pricing at the Picket Fence but remember them being too much. The ones at the Country Porch are too much too for what I need them for.

I live in Newman Lake 1 1/2 miles from the Idaho border (Spokane County). We are practically neighbors. :) I will have to check that store out as well. Thanks for posting it. :)

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Hi Holly;

I wasn't looking until I saw the picture. Pictures get me in trouble.

I lived in Newman Lake for a while. Just off Wellesley by state line. I lived all over Spokane...20 years.

I know what you mean about being tempted from pictures.

I know exactly where you mean - just off Wellesley. I am on the north side of Trent - north Starr Rd. and then off of Morris - in the foothills. We love it out here. Do you like Mullan? I have never been there.

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Colonial Tin used to sell these if I remember correctly but I don't have a current catalogue to check and my passwords for the site are at the shop, perhaps someone else can check or can confirm for you.


Thanks for posting this. :) I signed up. I have not gotten a confirmation email but they may ok it without sending the ok. It has been a couple days. I should go check to see if I can get in.

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I know exactly where you mean - just off Wellesley. I am on the north side of Trent - north Starr Rd. and then off of Morris - in the foothills. We love it out here. Do you like Mullan? I have never been there.

I'm sure I've been on Starr Rd. I know where Trent is at out there.

I love living in Mullan. It's small, quiet, no one bothers us. We live in a part of town that only has 6 houses on our dead end street. A Kellogg cop on one end, and a Shoshone County jailer on the other end.

I work in Kellogg...that town would drive me nuts living in it. Too busy. Personally, I think they're trying to make it into a mini Sun Valley. Condo's, waterpark, etc. Lot's of construction going on.

I've heard nothing but complaining about the Silver Mountain and LookOut Ski hills closing last weekend. There's lots of snow left on both of them.

Then there's the people that live down stream from us complaining about when the snow does melt, that they're going to flood. Sorry...I just want the snow gone.

Ok...gotta get ready for work.:sad2: Wishing I could just stay home and make candles.

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I rec'd my catalog from Park Designs today.

The prices for the candle dishes:

2 1/4" 12 pc 1.25 ea

3" 6 pc 1.75 ea

4 1/4" 6 pc 3.00 ea

5 3/4" 4 pc 4.00 ea

7 1/2" 4 pc 4.75 ea

The min. order is 150.00

Thanks. That is great news! I requested one as well. These prices are much better. :)

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I sent the request on 4/6 (Sunday) and rec'd it on 4/11 (Friday). So 5 days. It could of been here on Thursday...I only check my mail 3 times a week usually. Gotta go to the post office, that's the only way we get mail here.

Park Designs has a lot of neat stuff in their catalog. I can't wait until I can go to Coeur d' Alene to check out The Country Porch. I'm going to find the Picket Fence also.

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