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No oats for eczema?


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Article in Allergy & Asthma Today (Vol 6, issue 1)

Oats: Recipe for Eczema?

One of the ingredients used to calm eczema itch may actually may be causing it! Oatmeal is frequently found in lotions and treatments for dry, irritated skin. However some children with eczema may be allergic to oats, according to a French study in the journal Allergy (Nov. 2007). Although oats are not often considered a common allergen, the researchers found almost one-third of the children in their study who frequently used oat-based skin products tested positive for oat allergy. The association was most common in children under two...

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It kind of highlights that they use the diagnosis "eczema" for a wide variety of skin issues. In my mind, if it's an allergy, it's not eczema, it's an allergic reaction (No, I'm not a doctor and would never try to be!).

Scary stuff.

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It kind of highlights that they use the diagnosis "eczema" for a wide variety of skin issues. In my mind, if it's an allergy, it's not eczema, it's an allergic reaction (No, I'm not a doctor and would never try to be!).

Scary stuff.

Both my sons had severe eczema. It actually IS an allergic reaction, at least from what several doctors have told us. Please don't ask me to explain because it's beyond my lay language :tongue2: , but it's basically an "allergic to everything."????

That oatmeal bath is wonderful for it, so mine must not have the allergy. I have given many many oatmeal baths at 3:00 a.m., because that's when the eczema always seems to flare - of course!

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So it's only a problem with those who are allergic to oats but it is wonderful for those who aren't?

I know someone who had terrible eczema as a child and everything that touched his skin was irritating in one form or another. :undecided

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Never would have thought about that...thanks for the info.

My 6 year old gets eczema as an allergic reaction too. Anything with milk will get his skin going horrible.

Always just used the shea butter to help.

Course once we figured out the milk issue unless it's a really dry winter season he's tons better...it looks like he's out growing it.

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