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Question about containers??


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Does it really matter what kind of containers you use, like I like Kerr jars would those sell as well as the apocathary(?) jars?

I thought the cheaper the jar, the less your candles would costs, and hopefully the more you would sell am I right or wrong??

Mindy :smiley2:

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I think it is more taste and preference over anything else. Yes, canning jars are less expensive, but then you have the 2 piece lid to deal with on some of them. You also have to decide what kind of customers you are targeting. If you live in a rural area, and those are your customers, then canning jars may work. If it an upscale look you are going for, some balmorals may be what you need. Search the web for candle companies, decide who your customers are, and pick out a range of jars that will work for you. Personally, I love apothocaries. I use the 10 oz and 16 oz and find them very versatile. Customers love them because of the way I decorate them. I also sell 8 oz melts in jelly jars with daisy lids. I sell candle warmers for these (usually 2 sales at once). The melts are cheaper because they are less wax, no wick and less work overall. People like choices, but you are the ultimate decision maker - you are the one that has to make them and sell them. You will never sell one thing that everyone likes. That's what makes this business so challenging and rewarding, too. Hope this helped!

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I have tried the 16oz Apothecary and they did not sell as well for me as the 8oz jj na d16oz Wide mouth mason jar. So I no longer carry those. I am planning to try the 22 or 26oz Apothecary and see how they do. It all depends on where you live and the type of market. I buy my jars local and that cuts down on costs since I don't have to pay shipping. Although I am thinking of trying a different jj and approaching some local shops.

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It depends on your market. What kind of competition do you have? Maybe choosing something different will set you apart from them, and from all the candles at Michaels and Ross and Walmart and .....

It's all about style. What's your look? What image are you trying to project? Cheaper doesn't always mean more sales. If people want cheap, they'll go to Walmart maybe, not you.

I used to use the hex jars, but then lots of other people did too. I went with balmorals since no one else was using them here. Now, you can find them at Michaels, so I'm probably going to be going back to hex, or straight highball glasses or something.

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From what I've heard coming from my customers mouths, it does matter. They dont want a candle in a jelly jar. They like the more upscale looking jars. I make 9oz balmorals, 16oz balmorals, 3 wick butter dishes, and double wicked tapered squares. They like my candles because they cant find those types of containers anywhere else.:grin2:

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Thanks, I'm not really selling them yet, still in the testing faze, but totally understand what you guys are saying. Hmmmm now I'll be on the look out for some nice looking different jars.

I liked the honey pot looking jars but now can't find the site, I think it would go great with my name.

Thanks again you guys are great,

Mindy :smiley2:

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I use the 8 oz. jelly jars and 4 oz. quilted jelly jars, both of which are popular in my area. My company name is Bev's Homespun Candles so they are quite appropriate. I would like to experiment with the square masons one day, but for the time being will stick with what I have, as these sell well and I can obtain the jars locally, keeping my overhead down.

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My business name is Hillbilly Candles, so I thought having the Kerr jars were perfect for me but so does all the competition around here, they also use mason and jelly jars. I guess I could be creative, I was looking on the internet and found the perfect jars and they are pretty decent priced. I can't decide which ones the bean pot jars or the honey pot jars they look the same but one is more round than the other one. And they only come in

5 oz, 9 oz, and 15 oz sizes. I also found perfect sample size tins they are

1/4 oz and they are pretty cheap 300/$105.

Mindy :smiley2:

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