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USPS flat rate


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I love the new bigger flat rate box that USPS offers. I can get 16 candles in it plus I have room for tarts. I rushed the order but next time I am going to use the regular candle box with the 12 candles in it and then see how many I can get.I am thinking more than the 16 candles if I arrange them around the candle box.

The small flat rate box I managed to get 8 candles in that once. My orders are getting larger and this is a big plus.

I also have been lucky to never have a jar break.I hear sometimes it happens with UPS. I just use newspaper for filler and wrap the candles. No complaints from my customers with using USPS. :smiley2:


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I am happy because I have a couple customers that buy more than just a few candles. When I had to pack the orders before it would have to go in 2 and 3 flat rate boxes and I paid some shipping. Now I can get it all in one and pay very little if any shipping. :)

Last week a lady ordered 2 times the same day and I could get almost both orders in 1 box. Made me happy.

Our postmaster doesn't like for us to wait till last minute but we did today. Husband walked in with 3 big boxes packed and postmaster said WOW I like this. Good revenue for the Post Office.

Flutterbye,maybe you can get more than 2 hurricanes in a box. They are pretty wide.I get about 10 candles on the bottom and then pack about 6 on top. Mihgt be able to get 8 packs of tarts in it too. That makes it barely able to close. Believe me I want to ship the most for the money. I think it is good for new customers when they know they are getting more for their money and paying less in shipping cost. This box is only $4.00 more than the smaller flat rate and alot more goes in it.


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