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Chemical reaction maybe ??


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ok i have the bubble bath base from WSP and i made some love spell which i have been using and testing... my hubby took a love spell bubble bath tonight ( hehe ) and before he got out he grabbed his drakkar soap ( melt and pour base from WSP ) ( both the drakkar and love spell F/o's are from NG ) anyway he washed with the soap and sat back down in the water and heard a noise, he said all the bubbles dissapeared and he got tingly and really hot...

he has used the drakkar many times and has been fine and i have used the bubble bath many times and have been fine, now would he of caused a chemical reaction by mixing the 2 fragrance oils together in the tub ???

that is what i am thinking cuz of the noise and all the bubbles dissapearing and him getting tingly and really hot ...

what do you guys think ??

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I think he tooted and killed the bubbles. :D

Seriously, though that sounds strange. I would then to think it had more to do with something in the bubble base other than the fragrance. There are a lot of chemicals in the bases. But then again, so to the fragrances sometimes, have a large # of components.

Doesn't glycerin have a 'warming effect'? Maybe getting up out of the water and then getting back in kicked in that effect, and the soap killed the bubble base bubbles. :confused:

Tell him to try it again with a different scent of mp and then a cp bar and then a shower gel that doesn't contain glycerin. He'll enjoy all the tingles, lol.

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Dee, why don't you try this. Put the plug in your sink and run water in it with the bubble bath. Let it sit a few minutes all bubbly and nice. Then, slice a bit off the drakkar bar and toss it in. Stand back and watch. If all the bubbles disappear, then you'll know it wasn't just a fluke thing. If you have some unscented soap, slice a bit off of that and do the same with the bubble bath. Will be interesting to see if it's the soap and bubble bath in general, or a scent thing.

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ok i did the sink test with the drakkar and nothing happened, had hubby wash his hands with the drakkar too and dip them in the sink still nothing.. after some moving the water around the bubbles ended up going away but that always happens....so it must have been a fluke..

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Dee, interesting results. When your hubby did the tub thing and got all tingly, did that include his hands also? Sometimes our hands can take alot more than the rest of our bodies. I'm just kinda thinking out loud here. Can he maybe lay his arm (or a good part of it) in the sink?

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no it did not bother his hands, he also said the same thing that hands are tougher than the rest of the body he got half way up to his elbow and nothing, and i did the same and nothing either.. i am going to have him try the bath again... lol my poor little guinea pig hehe..

and i tested the love spell bubble bath with the love spell soap and nothing as well...

i will post again when i have him do the bath test either tonight or tomorrow

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