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HELP...can't make a black candle

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Gee, I cant believe the trouble I am having just trying to make a black candle. I've been at this for years.....never thought of making a black candle until recently.....and EVERYTHING I am trying isn't working.

I am getting shades from green to mauve...then I started using straight paraffin (Duh...trying with soy was never going to get me anywhere). Still NO BLACK...a 'purply kind of colour.

I casnt find pigment here in Aust and I have tried colour tabs and liquid dye. I am pondering buying another black liquid dye and seeing if will make some kind of difference.

I am soooo stumped....PLEASE Help...hehehhehehe



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Others will probably pop in with recommended dye brands. I've tried a couple and still didn't get true black. I always have to add some color to it. Not sure if I can explain to make it understandable, but I'll try...

Think of pigments... Black is all color. Even amounts of red, blue and yellow (the primary colors) will make black, but that's difficult with different dyes and concentrations. But... it helps to "fix" a black dye that's off. Add a drop of the opposite colors of the shade you're getting. If your black looks purplish (red and blue) add some yellow, if it has a green tinge (yellow and blue) add some red, etc. It sounds difficult but once you find what color to add to your black, it'll be nearly the same each time. Besides... I just couldn't stand wasting those bottles of black I'd paid hard earned money on :)

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I use black color chips, a lot of them. maybe not the most cost effective, but has worked for me. I also find that the more opaque the wax is, the harder it will be to get a good dark black.

Just my 2 cents.

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