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I just made my first batch of CP


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I'm hoping someone can help me. I just made my first batch of CP Soap, this has never happened with my HP Soap... I used Milky Way molds, no dyes, and I had to pop them in the freezer to get them out, but they have this weird tiny little brown specks at the top of the soap. Kind of looks like freckles! I think I can trim it off but I'd still like to know what it is!


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Hi Kelly,

Was your mold totally clean when you used it? You may have cleaned it the last time you used it, but since then, little flecks of stuff, like dirt or dust or whatever, could have gotten into it. That's the only thing that comes to mind at the moment.

Also, do you use a spray like Pam in your molds? That will help give you a better release.

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Well I'm pretty sure the molds were clean, but I question that myself that maybe I did forget. But the specks weren't there right away, they kind of developed after about 24 hours and then seemed to get worse.

About the Pam, normally I spray but I totally forgot this time... probably because I was excited about making my first batch of CP... afterwards I was bonking myself!

I'll try to post a picture tomorrow, but the best way I can describe it for now is they almost look like they were lightly sprinkled with cinnamon.

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I guess maybe I did forget to clean the mold. I dunno! I thought I did... but I looked at the bars of soap again and the specks are just at the top so it would make sense that dust would settle there. Knowing me I probably cleaned one mold then used a different one. Lol!

Back to the drawing board!

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Update: Ok it's not dust or dirt because I just checked the pot I used to mix the soap and that has developed the specks too. I'll try to see if I can get a picture tomorrow but they are so small I don't know if they will photograph.

Incase this matters to someone, oils used:

Grapeseed, Coconut, & Canola

Hopefully someone can shed some light on the subject.

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Kelly, it sound like the same thing I had happen with my Hummingbird soap. The dark spots were softer than the rest, but, mine were all over and when I took a toothpick and tried digging a few out, some of them went pretty deep. I figured that maybe I didn't stir evenly enough because I had almost forgotten to put the fo in. But my small dark spots were all over and even inside the bars. I ended up tossing it and will be making it HP next time, figuring maybe it was the fo.

I should have gotten a pic of mine before I tossed them, sorry.

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