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Rose Petal Soap??


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I made air fresheners out of silk rose petal. Always wanted to try the soap rose petals but never did. This V-Day I went to the Dollar Tree and saw Rose petals.Thinking maybe they were silk rose petals and wanted to see if they work good.( I do know I was shopping cheap) but wanted a idea if they were silk.

Well I was wrong.The petals were all SOAP.Terrible too when it came to using those petals BUT they were cute, packaged nice etc. Now I wonder if there is a possibilty if I could use MP(what I worked with a couple times) and make these kind of petals. Can it be done??? Is there somewhere to get a mold in the shape of a rose petal(slightly thin). These soap petals were kinda big but forget washing your hands with the rubbery soap. Greasy too. Also forget the fragrance I smelled nothing. Just the shape, color and packing was nice.

Thank You


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I bought a bunch of the expensive dollar store bags of leaf petals and then had to buy more at joanns when could not find at dollar store before christmas. Fall foliage.

I dipped in MP and used holiday sents-i sold cheap-but they went like hot cakes!! Use the petals to wash your hands and then discard!


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Thank You Faye.I found the molds and I like them. So many others to choose but can change the idea with the seasons.When Christmas the poinsetta would be nice for the holiday and the leaves for Halloween or Thanksgiving and so forth. Florals for spring. I do have BCN heart mold. Made tarts with that one. Also have the pink ribbon mold.

I think the silk rose petal was a unique idea but I think maybe with the mold you can wash your hands more than one time and no discarding. Like guest soaps. They will be small but a idea for holiday time etc. I might try both and see if they go and if so what people like best.

Thank You,


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