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Calling all 435 users!!!!! I am so frustrated!

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I have been trying the 435, after always using the 464 and i am so out of heart!!! I have a pile of wicks that I have tried and nothing satisfies me. The ones I like the best so far are the eco....could someone help me? I am using the 435 in 16oz, 8oz and 4oz mason jars. various scents at 1ozper lb.....heating to 175, adding dye, then fo at 160, then pouring at 125....see any no no's? Can't even get it wicked good enough to know if I have good hot throw. Nothing seems to get good melt pool unless I double wick which is too much....1 inch melt pool. At least the eco's stay lit and they have decent melt pool with a eco 14 and a rrd 64 worked with one fo....why this wax so hard to work with? 464 was a breeze compared to this........................

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I am using the 435 in 16oz, 8oz and 4oz mason jars. various scents at 1ozper lb.....heating to 175, adding dye, then fo at 160, then pouring at 125....see any no no's?

When testing something new, Leenabug, slow down!! KISS and be methodical!! Use ONE size container (preferably an EASY one to wick, such as the 8 oz. widemouth canning jars) and ONE FO with which you are familiar and start with a wick type and size that has worked successfully for you before when using a similar wax in that size container. Stick with this ONE type of tester until you get it right. THEN go on to other FOs with the same size container. When you get most of them right, THEN go on to other size/shape containers.

If you choose to use FO in a new wax, be SURE it is one you have used before that isn't super heavy and throws well.

I can't recommend any particular ECO or RRD because I use only CDNs and occasionally CDs for soy-based waxes. I let the test candles cure & harden for several days before testing. I burn testers for an hour per inch of diameter at a time. I let the candle cool completely, trim the wick to 1/8" - 1/4" and relight, and repeat this all the way to the bottom of the container.

Once you get ONE container and ONE FO dialed in and burning well, you will have better information and experience to go on to other sizes, shapes and FOs.

HTH :)

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Well, I did try wicking this wax with a familiar scent and wicks, no go.......that is why I tried so many other scents and wicks......

Sharon, a cd-14!? I can't get a cd 14 to stay lit, much less full melt pool............I just ordered some cd 18 and cd 20 to try! What am I doing wrong? I wait 48 hours after pouring before testing, only use 1oz per 1lb in scent, try lighting the wicks trimmed at 1/4" all the way up to 3/4" .....anything to get it to stay lit. :cry2: Is there anything you can think of that could be causing this? 2-cd 10's in a 16oz mason jar stay lit, of course, but your talking major flame and huge melt pool. I have gotten an eco 16 to do good in the 16 oz,as well as a rrd 65 and a lx 30. But these are BIG wicks......please any advice. I don't want to go back to the 464 for this reason only..........because they say if I can get the hang of this wax I will love it on hot throw! That is the main thing my friends and family ask for..........they don't care about smooth tops or frost, etc. ( which 464 was better on)So if this wax will give me better hot throw than 464 i want to try it, but hey I gotta get in the ball park..........................:cry2:

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Well, I did try wicking this wax with a familiar scent and wicks, no go.......that is why I tried so many other scents and wicks......

Sharon, a cd-14!? I can't get a cd 14 to stay lit, much less full melt pool............I just ordered some cd 18 and cd 20 to try! What am I doing wrong? I wait 48 hours after pouring before testing, only use 1oz per 1lb in scent, try lighting the wicks trimmed at 1/4" all the way up to 3/4" .....anything to get it to stay lit. :cry2: Is there anything you can think of that could be causing this? 2-cd 10's in a 16oz mason jar stay lit, of course, but your talking major flame and huge melt pool. I have gotten an eco 16 to do good in the 16 oz,as well as a rrd 65 and a lx 30. But these are BIG wicks......please any advice. I don't want to go back to the 464 for this reason only..........because they say if I can get the hang of this wax I will love it on hot throw! That is the main thing my friends and family ask for..........they don't care about smooth tops or frost, etc. ( which 464 was better on)So if this wax will give me better hot throw than 464 i want to try it, but hey I gotta get in the ball park..........................:cry2:

The CD 14 works for me and is a little on the hot side. I keep thinking I'll go with a 12 but waiting for my new batch to see how it burns. What is the date of the batch you have? I could send a lb or two of what I have. If you want to try one of my cd14 wicks and wax you might find if either is different. Let me know and I'll send you some. I use 1.5 oz of FO per lb most times. But I wouldn't think that would make the difference.

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oh so it could be the batch I have? hmm, what do I look for on the boxes to know? I got my wax from alabaster and they had just started carrying it, so I don't know where it came from...would it work to open another box and try the wax out of it? or is it probable that its all the same, since I bought it all at once? I really appreciate the offer to try your wax, let me try the cd 14's again before I put you thru that trouble! thanks so much!:)

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Golden Brands/Golden Foods sells the wax and they print the dated it is made and the time. If your's doesn't have that on the box then they might have it packed with a plain box. The other box is most likely the same. Maybe you could add a teaspoon of coconut oil and see if it burns better. I've done that and other things many times.

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ummmm, I know you are tired of all my questions, but where do you buy coconut oil? and you're right all the boxes have the same date on them.........this is what it says..........11-03-07 TK7 SH1B 00:46 (or 80:46)Thanks a million for all your help

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I have used 435 for several years and would not be able to use the cd14 either. I use the cd 12 & 14 in the jelly jars. In the square mason I use cottons, usually a 60 but need to go up to a 62 in the harder to wick scents. Hope this helps.

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I have used 435 for several years and would not be able to use the cd14 either. I use the cd 12 & 14 in the jelly jars. In the square mason I use cottons, usually a 60 but need to go up to a 62 in the harder to wick scents. Hope this helps.

How can this be?? Maybe it's the amount of FO I use that makes it burn different. I use 1.5 pp on almost ever scent I make. What do you all use? I also use liquid dyes mostly from AH with the most drops I use at around 8 d pp. But most scents I use 1-3 drops pp. So what could be different. My wicks come from CandlewWic and I just got the high melt wax coating. When I used jj, the largest I ever wicked was CD12. I have at least a 1/2" or more melt pool after 3-4 hrs. This is a test burn I did last month CDN 10, CDN 12 and CD14. They were all about the same burn and of course every thing else was the same.


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ok, I am pulling my hair out! I poured the wax at a cooler temp.....100 degrees...then brought inside my house so it could stay at constant room temp for a few days.........viola! no more drowning wicks AND I got it wicked with the cd's................Then I notice...........I NO LONGER HAVE ANY SCENT THROW! Scent throw with eco wicks, none with cd wicks. What does this mean!? And is it because I poured colder? I was pouring at 125. AARRGGGHHH:tongue2: All I know to do is add the coconut oil.....does this wax take the full 2 weeks to cure before you can test it? I have been waiting 2 to 5 days before testing.

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