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Hi - I'm New & Some Business Help...


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Hello Everyone... I have not yet begun the candle making process, but have been interested in it for quite some time. I always thought I would need to have a separate stove/work area, and with my house that is impossible. However, I have come to the conclusion from browsing here, that this is not a must if you are not clutzy, lol.

I am posting in here because I see all of you chit chatting and sharing ideas and making brochures and all kinds of fun stuff. I have my own website for my family and recipes and stuff and just recently had a friend sign up to get one for advertising her jewelry. I just thought I would share in case any of you ever thought about having one too. It is only $10 per month payable via paypal (which is my favorite part) and no contract. You can also make money off of your site, but that's just an added perk.

I would be happy to share the info with any of you that are interested...

In return - UH OH! There's a catch! - LOL, I just ask for some help on getting myself started with making candles. lol. Gotcha huh? I have been browsing... Still trying to figure out this whole forum thing, but it seems that most of you have been doing this for a long time and I kind of get lost when reading about things.

Is there a list of terms that would help me out?

Would I be better off starting at my local store for startup supplies?

I am really starting from scratch here... All help would be greatly appreciated.

Thnx A Bunch


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IMO the best idea would be to decide what kind of candles you're interested in and get a small kit. This gets VERY expensive. If you decide it's too confusing or too much trouble in testing, you're only out the price of the kit. It'll give you most of the basics you'll need and once you try one, many of the questions and comments here will make more sense ;)

Whether you get a kit or buy each item separate, you need to decide the type of wax (paraffin, soy, etc) and what type of candles (pillars, containers, votives, hurricanes, etc) you want to start with before you can buy supplies. Pick ONLY one type to start with. Unless you aren't very attached to your hair and/or sanity :laugh2:

Good Luck

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Well, I see from your user name that you have alot of kids....it's a good thing cuz you may have to end up selling one of them for all the supplies your gonna need....:laugh2: This is truly and addictive thing....you've been warned!!:P

There is a list around here somewhere of some common abbreviations used by most of the members here. I'm sure someone will be kind enough to post the link for you...if I remember correctly, it's a sticky topic.

Welcome to our world!! Wish you the best!!

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Ok - So first I'm going to need $$$. I seriously didn't think it would cost that much to get going, but .... LMAO Hubby seems to think that soy is the way to go. For some reason it sounds like the 'pricey' way to go to me, lol.

Is there a few threads you can direct in my direction for wax choices, etc..

I am trying to get the hang of the browsing, but there is so much info! I'm glad I found this forum... I don't think I've seen this much info anywhere yet.

Thnx everyone!


IMO the best idea would be to decide what kind of candles you're interested in and get a small kit. This gets VERY expensive. If you decide it's too confusing or too much trouble in testing, you're only out the price of the kit. It'll give you most of the basics you'll need and once you try one, many of the questions and comments here will make more sense ;)

Whether you get a kit or buy each item separate, you need to decide the type of wax (paraffin, soy, etc) and what type of candles (pillars, containers, votives, hurricanes, etc) you want to start with before you can buy supplies. Pick ONLY one type to start with. Unless you aren't very attached to your hair and/or sanity :laugh2:

Good Luck

Well, I see from your user name that you have alot of kids....it's a good thing cuz you may have to end up selling one of them for all the supplies your gonna need....:laugh2: This is truly and addictive thing....you've been warned!!:P

That's soooo funny! LMAO

There is a list around here somewhere of some common abbreviations used by most of the members here. I'm sure someone will be kind enough to post the link for you...if I remember correctly, it's a sticky topic.

Welcome to our world!! Wish you the best!!

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Hi Heather! There is a 'Vegetable Wax' forum toward the top of the board that has lots of info on soy waxes. You'll find answers to questions you didn't even know you had. We all like different waxes for different reasons so your best bet would be to test some for yourself to find out what your preferences are. This page has several starter kits that contain everything you need to give candlemaking a try: http://www.peakcandle.com/category/Candle-Making-Starter-Kits.aspx.

The business side should not be explored until you have thoroughly tested your candles for safety and quality and are confident that they are something that a consumer would enjoy safely in their home. Oh yeah, as someone said, expect to drop $$$ on this venture as it is an expensive addiction. Good luck and have fun! :cool2:

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I do not make candles but I make soap. After investigating the cost of candle supplies (even without FO which I have a lot of) it was way more than I wanted to spend to expand. Then the testing. :cry2: There isn't a candle maker in my area but I have so much invested in soap supplies I cannot justify learning how to make candles on my own. I would consider it if I had a mentor. IT IS NOT A CHEAP VENTURE.

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Welcome Heather. Like everyone else has said, "this is an expensive hobby/business". But...it is a fun and relaxing one. It lets YOU be creative. I think that might be the relaxing part.

Testing is very important. You want to know that your candles burn correctly.

I started with a soy kit. I was hooked after that. I feel that I pretty much got EcoSoya CB Adv, and EcoSoya Pillar down for my liking. I then moved onto Palm wax. I like it much better. Easier to work with for me.

I have some gel wax that I need to start playing with. Just when I think I'm going to get it out, something else gets in the way.

Anyway...welcome to the madness of it all.

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Ok - well - I hit up our closest supply store for crafts like this...

I have to say that starting this right now would be getting me in over my head. I appreciate all the honesty here... about start-up costs, etc...

I hope I have the time and money in the near future. I think I could really enjoy candle making! I'd probably burn more than I ever sold, but hey... lmao!

I do still have the website that I use for my family. If any of you are interested in starting your own website, whether to promote your candles or whatever, the least I can do is tell you about it for all your help. Send me a PM and I'll get you filled in.

Thnx So Much!

I'll be checking in even though I am not "candle material" lmao. I like the atmosphere in here.

~~Heather~~ :D

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