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Couple of Palm Wax questions

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Thougt I'd ask the pro's :)

1.) I'm looking for a good lilac scent. I used Candle Science but wasn't thrilled with that. Anyone recommend one....for palm wax.

2.) Does the glass glow palm wax require relief holes? I'm using the crystal palm wax from Candles & Supplies and love the look etc. but the relief holes and second pour take a lot of time.

3.) How do you do a white candle? Just don't add any color?? Yeah, I'm a rookie!!



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I don't put relief holes in any of my palm wax. I also use CS's glass glow & palm & I love it!! Actually, I haven't made a "white" palm, but would assume you could. Try it; just don't use any color and see how it comes out! Could always remelt it and then color, though I'm not sure how that would work out for you!

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I use GG and would recommend poking relief holes. Every GG candle I've made when I check back in an hour the top has gone solid and right there under the surface is a lovely little air pocket waiting for me to release it. IMHO it is the nature of palm wax, the way it crystallizes is prone to trapping air.

Karen B

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Agreed with above, although I find that the glass glow had smaller air pockets than other palms. And white palm candles are gorgeous! Just don't add any color. Your candle may still be slightly off white depending on the shade of the FO.

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Thanks everyone! I was hoping there was one I wouldn't have to do the relief holes, but kind of guessed there wasn't. Oh, well, it looks fantastic so I guess it's worth it!

Will try a white one this weekend and see what it looks like!

I've seen a lot of questions on here about wicks for Palm Wax. I have the best luck with LX30's from Candles and Supplies. I use an 18 oz jar with a 3" opening. I had some LX26's and they didn't quite make it so I double wicked some and used them. That works well also.

Am almost finished my website. Will show some pic's when it's done!

Thanks again everyone!


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