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Does anyone make pure beeswax tarts?

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I associate tarts with strong scent throw and unfortunately straight beeswax doesn't have a strong scent. With the cost of beeswax, IMHO it's a waste of money to make tarts out of them. I don't see why it wouldn't work, it just seems impractical to me. :cool2:

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I actually made 20 of the pure beeswax tarts and am currently letting them cure before testing..(one ounce wax for each tart)I get my beeswax for approximately $4.95 per pound,so 20 of them would be one pound and four ounces.."If" I sell them @ $1 each that is a profit~right?!I used 1.5 oz of wyw cinnamon sticks for scent..They absolutely did not frost what so ever and have kept their rich dark brown color..My question is I wasn't sure if they would be safe in a melter?Although I have read you need a harder wax for tarts..Beeswax is definately a hard wax..I also made some last week with a beeswax soy mix and those frosted as well..The pure beeswax tarts look beautiful..Thanks! Karen~

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If you used 1 lb of wax and 1.5 oz of FO then you would only have 17 tarts that are a truely 1 oz. If you are getting 20 then your molds do not hold a full ounce. That is the case with most tart molds bought from most suppliers. They say 1 ounce but really only hold .85 to .9 oz. I have some I got from Bed Bath and Beyond that actually hold a true full ounce.

Now are you really making a profit.

4.95 plus the cost of the FO plus the cost of labels and packaging plus your overhead. Gas, eletricity and your time cost money. The way I figure it you profit is really low. I doubt you are even doubling your cost even with making 20 a pound.

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Well,I melted a one pound block of beeswax and added 1.5 ounces of fragrance..I got 20 tarts out of it..So,I guess the molds are not a true one ounce each..Just seeing if they would frost, which they did not..I am in the testing stage for tarts,which I have only had luck with the pure beeswax not frosting..But at the cost I will find something cheaper..The 416 frosted really bad,the soy beeswax mix frosted as well just not as bad..KY is supposed to have a good tart wax,so I may try that..Thanks,Karen~

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