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Lye and stainless pot question, lining paper too. LOL


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Well I got all my supplies as I posted in the other thread. I just want to double check something.

I can use a pot that's stainless, and use it for cooking after that? I remember reading I could, but am just double checking. If I'm sure it's stainless, should I drop a dot of lye water in it first to check for reaction? What would a reaction look like or do? Like taking a tiny dot of lye water. Would it splash up at me or just sizzle or something? I know I have two stock pots that are marked stainless. Just being cautious.

Also I forgot the darned freezer paper!! Can I use something else? I think I have wax paper. If I don't, what else can be used in a pinch? I have that sticky glue type saran. Can I use that? Or is it going to shift when I swirl? I guess if I'm careful I can avoid it.

OK I'm good to go. Found out what I needed to know. :)

Gonna use heavy gauge plastic if I do this before I get to the store again. I might not be able to wait! :)

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You can melt your oils in any kitchen pot, and do your mixing in a plastic bowl or bucket, which you should keep only for soap. There's a lot of heavy plastic buckets around, the bakery depts of supermarkets often give them away. I think in theory you can use your stainless steel pot for cooking after making soap in it, I just wouldn't do it.

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Thank you all! I have a few pots that are stainless so I'm not too worried about if I make one just for soaping. :)

I have heavy gauge construction plastic I can use for the molds. I have a ton of it too, so I might as well try to utilize some! LOL Thanks for the print on the garbage bags warning. See now I wouldn't have thought of that one thank you!!!! :)

I saw paint buckets like empty ones at Lowe's yesterday, but didn't know how big to get if I did use one. I didn't want to get a bowl, because I want to be able to get into corners with the stick blender if I had to. I'm using that with a castile I'm going to make.

Question, which attachment is the one usually use for soaping of these attachments in the picture? The sheilded one? It's like a blade under it. I was thinking the other disc type one maybe? I have no idea really, so have to ask. LOL :)

They're all stainless. I checked before I bought it. :)


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My soapin' pots are for soapin'. I don't use them for ANYTHING else. I just can't see myself cooking food for my family in a pot I used to make soap in.

I guess I'm just being anal retentive. :)

LOL, you sound like my husband. I mix soap up in my large batter bowl from Pampered Chef and clean it well and use it for other things. My husband saw this and his jaw hit the floor..he looked like this..:shocked2: ... and he is like, WHAT ARE YOU DOING??

I can't figure out what he is talking about so I am like, well, I am mixing up a cake mix. He says, but you made soap in that!! And I am like, um yeah, so. He goes, soap..you made soap in that and now you are mixing a cake in it. So I say...well, when I wash dishes I use soap don't I? :P

He just looked at me and walked away :laugh2:

So, if my dish soap won't mar the taste of food in things that are glass or stainless that I cook with, neither will the soap that I mix up in it. At least that is my line of thinking and so far, after about 8 years of doing this, the kids aren't blowing bubbles while they are eating :P . And I am not even going to go into the amount of bubbly bath water the kids have drank over the years because for some reason that is the most tasty water to them when they are young LMAO!


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Anything with plastic is dedicated in my kitchen, but if I am using glass or stainless steel then I also use it for cooking as well. As was mentioned, they are impervious, not even the scent is left in the pot or the glass..except the scent from the dish liquid, which these days comes in all sorts of scents :).


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LOL, you sound like my husband. I mix soap up in my large batter bowl from Pampered Chef and clean it well and use it for other things. My husband saw this and his jaw hit the floor..he looked like this..:shocked2: ... and he is like, WHAT ARE YOU DOING??

I can't figure out what he is talking about so I am like, well, I am mixing up a cake mix. He says, but you made soap in that!! And I am like, um yeah, so. He goes, soap..you made soap in that and now you are mixing a cake in it. So I say...well, when I wash dishes I use soap don't I? :P

He just looked at me and walked away :laugh2:

So, if my dish soap won't mar the taste of food in things that are glass or stainless that I cook with, neither will the soap that I mix up in it. At least that is my line of thinking and so far, after about 8 years of doing this, the kids aren't blowing bubbles while they are eating :P . And I am not even going to go into the amount of bubbly bath water the kids have drank over the years because for some reason that is the most tasty water to them when they are young LMAO!


OMG! You’re married to my husband? We have been arguing since I started making MP soap… and it has gotten worse since I started making CP. I keep telling him “Honey, its soap, clean up is water!” He just grumbles I’m going to poison us. The other day I had a request for a sample of the 24 carrot gold soap, but was out so I cut a bar up in the kitchen. I left the knife on the cutting board. He came behind me and uses the obviously dirty knife to slice a chunk of salami. I pointed out to him that the knife has just been used to cut soap, total hysterics. What I don’t get is he will use a dirty knife that has food on it, sitting he doesn’t know how long, but not soap? I have pointed out that all of the oils I use to make soap with are the same grade I use to cook with, and the lye is the same as his beloved NY bagels are made with, but he still doesn’t get it.

My soaping area is in the basement now (except when I sneak in a batch of oven HP, when he’s not home, don’t tell him!) and have everything for soaping separate from kitchen. I wouldn’t have a problem cooking with stainless steel, glass, or crockery after soaping. I wouldn’t use plastic or wooden utensils for cooking after soaping with them. But hubby makes sure they are all separate.

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OMG this is funny stuff. Husband's are funny sometimes. I have to say my husband would use a knife with raw chopmeat on it for two days if it was in front of him. Men don't usually care about what's a knife, as long as it cuts.

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I have to remember that one!

OMG such a long day here. No soaping this tired. Just pooped. Like lots of snow today and power went out. Had to keep generator running all day. Love the trees here but it stinks when it rains in winter. They freeze and break and hit the power lines. :(

Oh well tomorrow. My parsley is still turning into dye. It should only be better by tomorrow night! :)

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