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Eugenia's shoe box soap questions


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I will! LOL Darned snow though. No school today. :( Maybe tonight. Gonna read more though while I'm waiting. So interesting, this soap making. I'm fascinated by it, just as much as the candles stuff that I love. I knew it wouldn't be long for me to give in and try soap! LOL

My stick blender is actually a Hamilton Beach brand one. I thought it was Sunbeam but it's not. Just in case anyone likes my description and goes to look at Walmart, it's Hamilton Beach. :)

I actually have two very nice scents that I have for my soy that didn't seem all that strong in soy and were kind of soap type fo's. I checked and they are b&b safe too. I want to use the white tea. It just smells perfect for soap. I wonder if it's going to discolor though? Oh well, one way to find out!!! Using that in the shoe box lard added one I'm making. The castile one, I'm not using any fo or color. That I want as a facial bar and for dry skin. Don't want any fo in it.

Anyone know how a castile would do if you sub out a tad of olive oil for jojoba? I have a 4 oz bottle of organic Jojoba oil. Wanted to incorporate it so was running it through the soap calc and it seemed to not effect a castile all that much based on oo and little castor. Just wanted to ask in case it would do something funky or something.

I love the lye calcs!!! OMG they're all so much info.

And iodine means hardness? Like less iodine sums up to less hard in most instances? I read someone saying that in a search in here last night. Think it was Top.

I'm using a few soap calcs just to get a feel for accuracy. They're fun!! LOL :):yay:

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You can do whatever you want with soap oils, just run them through the soap calc and see what certain amounts offer for conditioning, suds etc, that's the fun part, it's what you want it to be. It takes some trial and error until you find that perfect recipe for you.

If you need a phone a friend let me know. :smiley2:

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Vio!! I can feel your excite! Woohoo, you go girl! :yay:

And yep, I love to save money too, so that's why I posted the stuff about the dollar store. Gotta keep those big $$$ for our lovely oils and such.

I just soaped White Tea and my recipe has jojoba oil (golden) in it. It's in the gallery under Swirl #3. I'll be posting another pic of it soon as I just washed the ash off it.

Don't get yourself all tensed up over the lye. Yes, it can be dangerous, but as long as you are paying attention to what you are doing, all will be fine.

Soap on! :rockon:

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Backwards. The lower number means harder bar. Higher number equals softer bar.

OK I got it thank you Eugenia!!! :)


I have measuring spoons in my hand. I's about to prepare the parsley. LOL OMG OMG OMG LOL I have a grin that hurts I'm so happy thinking I get to do this!! LOL :):yay::bliss:

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Yay!!!! Well I waited to do this and had some running around to do. Never made it to the food store but husband called me today from the bank which was in the food store and I remembered to ask him to pick me up some freezer paper!! LOL

Tonight's the night, it's gonna be all right! :yay::bliss:

I'm gonna soap!!! I'm gonna soap!!! :yay::bliss:

Oh yeah...ah huh!! Oh yeah....uh huh!! Gon-na make soap to-night!! Gon-na make soap to-night!!! :yay::bliss: :whoohoo: *super banana* *getdown*

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I just did my freezer paper up and actually kept the first as a future template. I'm so nervous. Kids are sound asleep and I got out two doorway gates that we saved from when the kids were babies, to be sure no one wanders into the kitchen. I'm laying things out and will start to measure as soon as I log off. Will be sure the camera is readuy to go too. OMG I'm so nervous but I'm feeling confident. :)

Back after it's done. :)

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