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Help with Hurricanes PLEASE

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My husbands friend just got killed working for the Railroad :sad2: and I would love to make a hurricane with his and his wifes picture on it for his wife I have a 6x6 square mold and a square insert but After many tries I NEED HELP. Any one willing to help me with this would be greatly appriciated. I thought it would be a lasting gift for his wife. I have already found this is time consuming but for this purpose it is WELL WORTH ANY TIME I SPEND TRYING.:)


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Sherry, a round tin mold works best but you can make up something at home especially if you do an electric 'cane. With the electric 'cane you don't need to worry about the diameter of the 'cane.

Sq. molds work but you need to be concerned about centering the picture left to right as well as positioning it at the bottom. Let me know if you are going to do a sq. 'cane and I'll give you some tips on trimming your picture.

My 1st photo cane was made using a large Cool Whip Tub. Tin works best since you are cooling the wax behind the picture with ice cubes.

Let me know what you are going to be using.

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Shary55! How about a tin can from whole tomatoes the large one

Will that do; Or the kidney beans Can what do you thing, I went and

got the wax. But they only had 1260 Man that staff is expensive

1 slab $ 20 Anyway I thing I got everything except the mold it was to much $$$ Let me go & check the list again. If I know my self I probably forget something I Can wait until Saturday:yay:


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How about a tin can from whole tomatoes the large one

Will that do; Or the kidney beans can what do you think,

Sherry, I think you may have a problem with those cans. The cans I have in my pantry have ribs around them. You need something with a smooth inside surface. Do you have an old tin canister?

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Sherry, I think you may have a problem with those cans. The cans I have in my pantry have ribs around them. You need something with a smooth inside surface. Do you have an old tin canister?

Sharyl I have a Sq one and I thing It my be hard for me what do you thing What else I can do please give me a clue :confused: :confused: Thank You

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I have tried to use a stainless steel container and it doesn't work as well as a tin mold. The thinner the better from my experience. So if you only have a square mold use it. Just be sure to measure the picture and cut the border so it exactly fits in the mold. And remember the the mold is made with a slight angle. It is a speck larger at the top than the bottom so it is easier to unmold. Take your measurements of the photo across the top of the picture so it will fit. You can have the photo smaller and just cut a border around the picture. Donita

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Sherry, like Donita said a sq. tin mold will work. My sq. mold is 4 3/4" across. I added a message to the classroom post about trimming a picture for a sq mold. It is OK to have white paper on either side of the picture so the paper fits the sq. panel. That is the only way I can get a picture centered left to right in a sq. mold. Hope that helps. See you Sat.

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