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Lip balm flavors from Oregon Trails?


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I do, although the amount depends on the flavor. Lime Sugar I sweeten more than the Honey Clover (which I also have and like).

SpaceGirl, what type of sweetener do you prefer? I was going to look at my grocery for some of the stevia drops they recommend.

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I've only successfully used Sugar Kisses from MMS. I tried powdered stevia once and couldn't get it to melt and incorporate -- but then again I have no confidence that I was doing it correctly. I just got some powdered stevia from Brambleberry (much finer grain) and will try that some time soon. There are other folks who have used stevia successfully. If you can get the search feature to work, try looking in this forum and you should get some hits.


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I LOVE LOVE LOVE the margarita (so does everyone else that tries it). The chai tea and coffee and kahlua are also to die for. I may be the only one that does this, but I melt a bit of sugar in with the oils until it's completely dissolved and have never had a problem.

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My only complaint is that they don't post usage rates (or at least they didn't last time I checked). I did email because my lips burned from using the Pumpkin Pie and was told no - they don't have usage rates which I find pretty irresponsible for a supplier not to know. Regardless, I love many of their fos so continue to order from OT.

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Really? So this isn't what you were wanting then?


a) they didn't have that on there when I purchased and even if they did.....b)that's not a safety usage rate - it's just a general guideline or starting point. I'm guessing the pumpkin pie (because of the cinnamon content) is going to have a different safety usage rate then say...strawberry. Plus - you really should measure by weight and not by volume. A tsp of one can be quite different than a tsp of another because of the weight. Same thing with fos - right?!? A bottle of one fo may only be filled 3/4 full whereas another might be all the way to the top but each weigh 16oz.

Flavor oil usage rates vary wildly with suppliers. I think BCN's usage rate is up to 6% whereas others are down as low as 1%. I personally would like to know the safety usage rate - especially if its something I'm going to sell.

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The usage rate was only recently posted to the OT site. When I first bought flavor oils from them, this past summer, I had to email numerous times over several weeks before I finally got a response about how much to use. I'm glad they have it posted on the site now.

That said, I do really like the flavor oils I have from them. I use the Lime Sugar, Chai Tea, Mint Green Tea and Cherie Rose. My experience with OT has always been amazing supplies, not such amazing customer service - but I like the supplies enough that I continue to shop there, and I do recommend the flavor oils. And I know many have shopped there without any customer service issues, so don't let my couple of bad experiences deter anyone. :)

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