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Soy Dye Help

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I need a reference for a good red dye that won't frost and gives consistant results when weighed. I wanted to get Pyme but they are not available at this time. I need a supplier that can supply a decent amount in a short period of time.

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What I'm hearing is that you want a colorant that's manufactured consistently and can be incorporated into your design by weight or percentage.

Besides Pryme, that pretty much eliminates liquid dyes. They're too difficult to weigh and the evaporation of the solvent over time will throw it off, regardless how consistently they're made.

The regular color blocks definitely aren't consistent enough and the chips probably aren't either. Pure powder is too concentrated for most people to weigh accurately and most folks also can't manage the processing necessary to eliminate the spots and sediment some colors produce.

The newer French Color dye blocks are probably the best candidates I can think of. They're manufactured well, disperse completely without too much trouble and the colors look great. I only use those when I'm playing around though and haven't done the math on using them in production, but I think the downside may be price. They're easy to weight but not all that concentrated so you may end having to buy a lot.

Another possibility is those dye flakes BCN sells. I don't have much experience with those but they could be worth testing. They're quite concentrated but less so than straight powder and they come in a nice assortment of pre-mixed colors.

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