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Another funny candle making story.

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Husbands, don't ya love them??? So I was on the computer about 30 minutes ago and heard my husband gagging in the living room. I thought he was choking so I ran in ready to do the hymlick (sp) manuever..... He had a PB & J sandwich in his hand and was standing in front of the TV and looking like he was going to throw up. I asked him what was wrong and he said his sandwich tasted funny and told me to smell it. So I did and got a faint familiar smell of Aloe Vera. I asked him where he made his sandwich and he said in the kitchen. I started laughing and couldn't stop even though it's really not funny. I asked him if he layed the bread on the counter and he nodded. I hadn't yet washed off the counter from my last batch and probably spilled some FO on the counter. I got distracted by this board. LOL. So all in all.... moral of my story is......... always wash the counter immediatly!

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Ummm... that's not very funny, but definitely scary. You know they are poisonous right? That's kinda like the "funny story" about passing out.

Now, maybe spilling a bit of flowery scented oil on his clothes on the way to work or something might be funny. Ingesting poison, nope.

Please be careful! :shocked2:

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No. Made him drink two glasses of milk just in case. Yes, I realize they are poison and his health was my upmost concern. But I couldn't help laughing. Tried convincing him he should call poison control he swears he's fine. Regardless, I won't get much sleep tonight because I am sure I will be awake, laying there on on my side facing him, staring to make sure he's still breathing. I think I have said sorry over 500 times today I swear. Both here and in person to him.

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I am pretty sure it was scary to her at the beginning but became comical after she knew he was safe. I am sure yall have reacted like that some time in your life.

There have been a few times that something pretty scary and dangerous has happened in my life but when everything was said and done and everyone was fine, I laughed my butt off...our last tornado scare was very comical after we knew we were safe and started thinking about how comical we probably looked running like crazy people for no reason.

I have a box of medical gloves that I use with my fo's, I also have what I call my fo rags lol. When I pour my fo into my soaps and what not, I only place my fo bottle on that rag, wear my gloves so my hands don't smell all day and have another rag that I use to wipe the bottle down. Kind of got used to doing the same thing with liquid medicine bottles when passing meds at work so I just carried it over to my soapmaking.

I now find myself using those gloves when I have to mix up junk when I am cooking lol. I hate mixing meatloaf with my hands so I use those instead. Quite funny looking but my hands aren't greasy and meatloafy smelling afterwards :laugh2:


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Guest Candelishis

I started out just making tarts, and I'd set the molds in an old cake pan before I poured them, so I didn't get stuff on the counter. Then I'd stick the pan in the fridge to cool. DH said that something tasted like perfume one day, and we figured out that all the stuff in the fridge was starting to taste/smell like tarts. :) LOL. This helped my case for building me a shop in the basement...his ham sandwiches tasted like Love Spell and he didn't like it so much.

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I have a box of medical gloves that I use with my fo's, I also have what I call my fo rags lol. When I pour my fo into my soaps and what not, I only place my fo bottle on that rag, wear my gloves so my hands don't smell all day and have another rag that I use to wipe the bottle down. Kind of got used to doing the same thing with liquid medicine bottles when passing meds at work so I just carried it over to my soapmaking.

I now find myself using those gloves when I have to mix up junk when I am cooking lol. I hate mixing meatloaf with my hands so I use those instead. Quite funny looking but my hands aren't greasy and meatloafy smelling afterwards :laugh2:


I do this too! I got soo used to wearing gloves at work all the time I bought a few boxes for myself to wear at home. It makes the icky things we have to clean up or do not so icky!

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I do my measuring right by my sink on the counter. After everything is in the pot or the shot glass ready to go for fo, I wipe the counter with a sudsy sponge. I find myself always touching the fo with my hands though. I hope one day I don't do it, and notice it eating through my skin or something. I'm pretty sure when I touch it, I wash my hands right away. If I didn't before, I will now, after thinking about it. LOL

I think I'm more aware of the counter because I have kids. I worry about my husband too, but worry about the kids more. I wipe everything and don't even let them near me when I make candles. I'm very nervous with this stuff, having kids in the house.

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