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Riddle me this Batman


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There is a girl that I work with that is into making her own cleaning products. She also says that she sells EO. She is very secretive about the suppliers that she uses, but to be nice I bought some peppermint oil from her (I needed it, no shipping, no wait time, etc.) I personally share everything. I have no problem telling anyone where I get stuff and giving recipes (even my own persoanal brain children) So that kind of irritates me that she won't say where she gets anything.

Then one day in conversation she said that her cleaning agent is just a jumbled mess of whatever she throws in a bottle (eo, water, borax, a laundry detergent) She also stated that her son has severe allergies and that is why she makes her own concoctions to use for cleaning. This made me angry. I told her that she better do some research and figure out what she is doing before she makes her son more ill than he already is.

Now she is coming to me weeks later asking for help. I want to help her so I gave her some tips but I don't want to hold her hand and make it for her since she thinks her stuff don't stink and wouldn't even offer me a name of a supplier.

But she can't get her cleaner to mix (oil and water don't mix without a surfactant) so she asked me for help. I gave her a few tips on what she can use. She stated that someone told her to use something begining with a "P". I confirmed and told her that you can use Polysorbate. She then said she didn't know where to get it. I felt like she was trying to work a suppliers list out of me, but wouldn't give me hers.

Sorry kiddo, doesn't work that way with me. I'll share if you share but it is not a one way street.

So, I don't buy Polysorbate and don't use it but I know of a few places she could get it and one place even locally but (I feel childish about it) I don't want to share if she couldn't. I mean really it is not like she is even competition. I don't sell oils. I sell finished products (that are completely tested) not just some stuff thrown in a bottle and shaken.

sorry had to vent!

tell me what you think or what you would do

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I can totally understand why you wouldn't want to share because of her retinence about where she gets her stuff.

I'd tell her the place for the supplier then turn around and ask her where she got that great EO that you bought from her.

What I think may happen is that if you give her the name of the local place, then she'll want you to tell her how much to use, percentages and the like. Send her to google in that case.

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Give her the name and do all you can to help her.

First of, it may have just been a misinterpretation of her intent.

Second by having that feeling inside you of even slight anger isn't worth it. By helping her you will feel great inside.

Remember the evil you do on earth comes back double and the good you do comes back triple.

Feel the music, dance, and smile, smile, smile everyday.

Life's too short and too hard for everybody.


:yay::laugh2::cheesy2: *super banana*

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I don't blame you at all. Some people are just takers and will suck you dry. If she was willing to help you then I think that would be a different matter. Seems like she is getting her Karma doubled back to her.

I would give her a list of suppliers, like we have here, and tell the to do her own finger work. Google is my best friend too. I hardly think that is 'evil'.

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Ok I'm a bitch about some things so I'd laugh and tell her to get bent. We spend alot of time and money testing our things and getting them just right. I don't mind the give and take method of helping someone but I darned sure wouldn't bend over backwards to show someone my (I'll say recipe for lack of a better word) while they look at it, take it all in, the whole time hiding their own in clutched hands. Nope, wouldn't happen.

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