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Pillar burning ?

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I am burning a 3" x 4" pillar, wax 4625, FO 6% Andes Thin Mint, wick is 30 ply flat. So far the burn is good, but, as you can see in the picture on side is about 1/2 taller. There is no bulging. So is this normal? I have never burned a pillar before, so I don't know how to judge this. So far I have a total burn time of 25 hours.<a  href=%7Boption%7Dhttp://i258.photobucket.com/albums/hh246/sassy906/candles/th_100_1591.jpg' alt='th_100_1591.jpg'>

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30ply's have a tendancy to curl and when that happens you can get an uneven burn like that. What I do to alleviate that is I'll twist the wick in the mold so when it curls it will curl in different directions during the burn so I get a more even burn.


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I'd try to adjust the curl in the wick so that it faces the higher side & will catch up over time, just take a knife or the end of a teaspoon & bend the wick over. That should do the trick.

I've done the wick twisting trick then forget which candle is the one with the twisted wick! I must remember to mark it next time.


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I'd try to adjust the curl in the wick so that it faces the higher side & will catch up over time, just take a knife or the end of a teaspoon & bend the wick over. That should do the trick.

I've done the wick twisting trick then forget which candle is the one with the twisted wick! I must remember to mark it next time.



However, that tells me twisting it didn't help the burn much if I can't tell which one it was so I gave it up...LOL

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I've had that same result with my pillars using 4625 and LX wicks. However, the higher side caught up if I used a wick dipper and pushed the wick over slightly when extinguishing.

The only problem with that is I know that the average candle consumer doesn't use a wick dipper or trim the wick for that matter.

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The only problem with that is I know that the average candle consumer doesn't use a wick dipper or trim the wick for that matter.

That is true.... but then again (speaking as one of those "average candles burners") most of them don't know that burning uneven is wrong. I never even gave it a thought all those years until I started making them :cheesy2:

That was "then" though... now it bugs the crap outta me :laugh2:

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Thanks ladies for the great advise. Believe it or not the taller side has melted on its own accord and the candle is the same all around now. Yes I was thinking of pushing the wick toward the taller part, but, I don't know if a lay person would think of doing that. I will in the future remember to twist my wicks

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