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Inconsistencies in Soapcalc?


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I entered my old recipe in soapcalc using the 18 ingredient one because I was going to split some oils. So I entered everything from my recipe, just checking to make sure the values were all the same, but they weren't. The amount of lye for the batch was different. Now after a whispered WTF, I went back and entered the same ingredients again and same thing. Tried it on the nine oil side and matched my recipe. Now what gives on that? Why would the same recipe on the nine ingredient side list differences in lye on the 18 ingredient side? Here I haven't even gotten to tinkering with the recipe to split certain oils up yet. This happen to anyone else and what would be the logical explanation for the same recipe to have different values on the different soapcalc charts? Before someone lips off that I entered something wrong, I didn't.

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