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So made a batch of soap and i have never had a fast trace before but it was serious pudding consistency right away! I luckily had mold ready and dumped it in there and covered it and buried it under a blanket! It is now setting up! Even though it turned so quick-think all is well? Or might batch need to be dumped? Seems like it usually takes a while!!!



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If you've tried that recipe (or similar) before but were using a new fragrance oil, it was probably the FO. I tested one like that just this week. Both times I tried, it was tracing pretty much by the time I put the lye container down. Higher temps could also speed up an otherwise reasonably-behaved fragrance.

As long as you had time stir it up properly it should be OK.

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It'll probably be fine, but you'll know more when you pull it. Kai moved faster than Superman on me, but it's fine. Frosted Snow Drops turned to instant cement and was lye heavy after cutting. Just wait and see. Tongue test it after you cut it and you'll know.

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(I probably shouldn't reply to this thread, as it seems every thread I reply to dies instantly)

"Personally, *I'm* a closet soap licker. LOL" --Donna

Now that I've wiped off my monitor and desk, I can tell you this: Admitting it is the first step in healing :cheesy2:

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