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I am looking to try and start selling my candles sometime this year and I see I may be able to find coverage but here is my ?? I am not a homeowner. We are currently renting a home until we are ready to build. Will anyone cover me since I am making candles on rental property? I haven't started calling around because I wanted some insight first and I am nowhere ready to sell yet since I am testing testing and testing right now.......

anyone in this similar situation?



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after I read this i missed a few words....that what happens when you are posting at midnight.....

I am talking about product liability insurance.....we are currently making candles in a rental home so if I was to start selling candles this year i would HAVE to have insurance coverage but could I get it being I do not own the property that the candles are made on? any insight would be great.....


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I would check into the Handcrafted Soapmakers Guild for product liability. It doesn't cover your home only your products and it also covers you at shows. It covers you if you make soap, B&B and candles. If you don't make soap they have a link on the site where you can get the same insurance on another site(I think it's Indie Beauty Network?)

The coverage is 1mil for $480/year or 2mil for $535/ year, the price is good and it's easy to get. You can read the policy on the site.

I think the addy is soapguild.org?

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Lysa, there shouldn't be any problem getting product liability insurance as this covers what happens in the customer's home, not yours. A possible problem though, is that your landlord may not be happy with you manufacturing candles for sale in the home you're renting. But then maybe this is something you've already cleared with the landlord and it's okay.

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Lysa, there shouldn't be any problem getting product liability insurance as this covers what happens in the customer's home, not yours. A possible problem though, is that your landlord may not be happy with you manufacturing candles for sale in the home you're renting. But then maybe this is something you've already cleared with the landlord and it's okay.

I rent and was able to get coverage through HBN. I also have renters insurance but I dont know if it that covers anything with my business or not. At my last apartment, It was even in the lease that candles/oil lamps are not even allowed to be burned. I still ran my business scared to death that I was going to get caught. I kept everything hidden at all times. I finally was so paranoid all the time that we moved to a place that didn't mind it. I'm still paranoid though and only make my scented candles late at night while everyone else in the complex is asleep so that nobody would ever complain about the smells.

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Hi there

I know that when I was renting a property there is a type of insurance called "Renters coverage" geez how original. Basically it just covers "content". That being said it basically means that it covers fire and theft which are probably two of your biggest concerns. I know though that this type of coverage can be very costly but definetly worth it "just in case":p

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At my last apartment, It was even in the lease that candles/oil lamps are not even allowed to be burned. I still ran my business scared to death that I was going to get caught. I kept everything hidden at all times.

Yeah, this was exactly the type of thing I was thinking about. In my area, in order to get a business license, we first have to have a home occupation permit. A lot of forms have to be filled out, and some of them have to be filled out and signed by the property owner. Which would be your landlord if you're a renter.

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