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LOOK at my Label...thanks to a GREAT teacher..Prairieannie!!


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I have a request in to Mr. Kimble himself requesting permission to use his work...it's looking like I have not violated any license agreements or copyrights at this time, and am just waiting on a greenlight from him now. Shame on you for assuming that I had not sought his permission~!

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I would love to learn how to do that. I am getting so sick of relying on others to get my labels here on time when I run out of something. I know many Prim graphic sites where you can purchase graphics to download. So once you have your graphics, where do you go from there??

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Sorry if I offended you...I thought by the posting of your label design you were looking for comments...that happened to be mine. *Shame* on you for being so touchy. :lipsrseal I hope you get the approval...they are very nice labels.

Your post was offensive to me. At the risk of sounding like a witch, I'm going to reply here, because well, after all it IS halloween! Perhaps you have a problem with communication, I'm not sure, but I don't think you were sorry to be the bearer of bad news at ALL in your very first post. I think you rather enjoyed it. Had your post been constructive in criticism, Kris would have been fine with it. And had you had the slightest bit of concern for what you assumed she had done, you might have handled it in a Private message to her, rather than the way you did. But ahh well, there is no accounting for taste...especially not on a public message board..I don't know why i am continually surprised at the nerve of folks.

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Actually I think you're wrong PA. I don't get a ha ha feel at all from that post. And it's a good reminder to all of us who use and pull stuff for labels to check on copyrights. JMO. I think your reply is tacky and could have been handled in a PM as well. For that matter, perhaps we should all take everything to PMs :rolleyes2

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Actually I think you're wrong PA. I don't get a ha ha feel at all from that post. And it's a good reminder to all of us who use and pull stuff for labels to check on copyrights. JMO. I think your reply is tacky and could have been handled in a PM as well. For that matter, perhaps we should all take everything to PMs :rolleyes2

You know what? You're right. I should have handled that in a PM. My only excuse for my tackiness is that it's Monday, and I ate a bowl of b*tchflakes for breakfast this morning. Ahh well..

Candlegurl, my apologies for not thinking before posting my reply.

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I think you and Prairieanne did a great job on that label. I'd really like to see a picture of labels on your B & B line!

Hope all the ugly stuff doesnt keep you from posting with the pictures, cause I for one would love to see them.


ooooppps, first posted thinking you were doing candles, sorry, I must have had candles on the brain or something.

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I think you and Prairieanne did a great job on that label. I'd really like to see a picture of labels on your B & B line!

Hope all the ugly stuff doesnt keep you from posting with the pictures, cause I for one would love to see them.


ooooppps, first posted thinking you were doing candles, sorry, I must have had candles on the brain or something.

Thanks so much Sherri.....I learned so much and Im so excited. I do also have a line of candles...just never posted the label. Thanks for a positive post!


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