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Customers choosing Scents


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I know my title is not great, not very ???. My ? is how do you get customers that order on line to choose your really good scents. I have just got in some news ones from the JS sale and everyone of them is fantastic. I was just :drool: while I was smelling of them. But how do you convince people that can't smell them to buy them. I get tired of ordering great oils and then having people buy just the ordinary ones you can smell all the time. Of course I shouldn't complain as long as they are buying but I would much rather be pouring these delicious oils instead of regular stuff. I just keep having to take them off and put on back shelf.

Do you think maybe it is better on a web site to have a gallery where you show all your containers, pillars, tarts, votives and etc. Then have a list of scents in categories they can click on and go to description and have a buy button side of description with the different sizes and types? Or something like that. Of course that would open another problem because my shopping cart has I guess you would call it real time shippin. SO-----------

Just trying to figure it out:confused: :confused: :confused:

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I include 2 or 3 sniffies in each package I ship. I cut up some card stock paper into 2x2 squares, put a drop of FO on the "card" and then put it in 3x3 polypro bag with a label.

I've gotten several raves from customers who said that they would have never even thought to try a fragrance if it hadn't been for them being able to smell it first.

I keep track of which scents I send each customer and know from that list that I've gotten many orders as a result of those sniffie cards.

You could also dedicate a page on your website just for the oils you're trying to promote, try to get attention to those oils by separating them from the "normal" fragrances people are drawn to.

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There are several different ways of looking at the situation.

One is, that if the ordinary scents are what people buy, maybe you should just stick to that. It may be boring for you personally, but if that's what is making the most money, then it makes sense to stick with what works.

Another thing possibly worth considering is the type of site you have may not be exactly conducive to selling exotic or designer scents. I have no idea what your site looks like, but suppose your site is all dark and prim (you know the kind--lots of gingham, angels, hearts, or crows, etc). People generally expect to find cinnamon, blueberry muffin, pine, and scents of that nature on a prim site. Finding a Britney Spears Curious dupe, a Chanel dupe, or Tuscan Rose may not appeal to that type of customer. Conversely, if you have a site with an upscale look, those clients may not be interested in banana-nut bread scented candles, but might prefer the designer dupes.

How are the descriptions you use for the scents? Do you use word for word what the supplier uses to describe them? Maybe the description could be enhanced.

Another thought is to sell vials of the oils. You could sell them individually, or a set of 10 (or however many new oils you're wanting to promote) for one low price. Once they smell them, hopefully they will return to place an order for the candles. The key will be to sell them inexpensively. I think most consumers would easily spend $.50 per vial (when sold individually) to make sure they're happy with what they buy.

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