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Trade Show & Words of Encouragement

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Hi Everyone,

I hope all is doing well. Well, I just completed a 5-day trade show at America's Mart here in Atlanta, GA. What an experience! I met a lot of great people and contacts for the business. This was my second trade show and boy it's a lot of work. I signed 6 new clients and a Sales Rep.

For those that are in the process in preparing for a show such as this one, please make sure you bring some family members or friends to help you. I would recommend prior to purchasing your booth...attend a show first and pick out areas that you like and draws more traffic. Keep in mind the front booths are typically reserved for senior exhibitors.

Words of Encouragement

After years in being in the candle making industry it has taken me ten years to finally do a trade show and it's so much more rewarding. Continue to stay focus and don't give up on your passion. I'm finally after 10 years working from home full-time (I'm almost 29 years old). Don't give up on your passion, your dreams and don't allow anyone to steal your joy. Anything worth having is worth fighting for.

I will have pictures up shortly in how I setup my booth.

Happy Candlemaking!


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I don't mind sharing at all. The booth fee was $3,067 for a 10 x 10. It comes with 2 tables (either 4', 6' or 8'), 2 chairs, 2 risers and trash can. It was the

The Atlanta International Gift & Home Furnishings Market® held at America's Mart.

I have to say the retail industry is down in sales though. Most exhibitors that usually write $30-$40K orders in previous years did not see those type of sales. Some exhibitors made out good simply because of their location. I tell you that it would be worth every crafter's dream to visit the America's Mart if you ever come to Atlanta. Once you're registered as a buyer you can shop the showrooms for products at wholesale price.

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This is the first year we didnt exhibit at atlanta. Sales are down and no one is traveling..so we decided to cut it for a couple years. Atlanta isnt what it used to be, even 2 years ago.

Also, you need to keep in mind that you need to do a trade show on average 3 years before you start seeing big numbers. So that means putting over 20K up front before you really get your $ back. I've seen many companies come and do barelay a sale at a show to never see them again...ever. Either they weren't prepared, diplay sucked, or they really didnt have the capital to put in it. Booth presence is very important. I have learned the hardway too. I know who to stay away from and who to be next too to get the big $. I',m now to the point where they come looking for me, but booth placement is still #1 prority in doing a show.

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Starting my 4 year doing trade shows and each show it seems I learn something different, tweak my booth display and so on. Like Barncat I have deleted a market from my venue that was dying a slow death but who knows maybe in a few years it will make a come back. I attend the Dallas and Denver shows plus advertise in 2 magazines and that seems to fill the gap. Shows are a lot of work and time...and I dread them until...i'm set up and ready to go then I fall right into the swing of things. I especially love Dallas.....everyday they serve free margaritas/appetizers at 3:00......that just seems to make the slow part of the day go by...and yes I take the shuttle to the hotel...lol

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I totally agree with all of you. Sales are definitely down...the economy is VERY bad right now. At the Atlanta, the foot traffic could have definitely been better. But I'm happy. I signed a top selling sales rep currently working for another business associate and he grossed $500K for his business last year...so I'm excited to see what he can do to position my business. I just mailed out his sample kit along with another to one of his sales reps.

I have never advertised my business in any magazine. I would love to but I have seen that it can help and for some it doesn't. My business associate never advertised his business in any magazine and his business grosses millions.

I bought a lot of jewelry that was handmade in Indonesia. I honestly bought too much...some of it I have been selling. I bought approximately 30-40 pieces of jewelry for $130. I ordered 10 pieces of sterling silver jewelry (jewelry typically seen in Macy's) for $106, I purchase 2 beautiful leather persons (handmade) where the leather circles lift up for $16 each.

Honestly, I would prefer to do my shopping this way but on the flip side of it, it can hurt the economy. I spoke to a senior sales rep who used to have a showroom at the Mart and she was telling me that lot's of people have come to register as a business just so they can purchase products at wholesale and are only buying one's and two's.

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