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Muscle Rub Gel


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Well I think I finally found a recipe I'm going to be happy with for a gel rub. It's made with glycerin, aloe vera gel, menthol crystals, peppermint, tea tree and eucalyptus eo's. I couldn't find my eucalyptus eo so i used fo. I also added a pinch of mms to the glycerin, crystals and dissolved.

It is very POTENT :laugh2: if this is any sign of how good it will work. I must say I prefer the scent of this over the Ben Gay smell and some of the other I've smelled. It's really very refreshing nice smell not medicinal at all .

I can't wait to try it. I figure I'll let it set a couple of days before actually applying it give everything time to sink in and incorporate.

I'm going to give some out to family members and hope to get input however, I really dont see that happening they haven't given me any feedback so far on anything. Don't ya just hate that :mad: I may just send some out to my cream soap testers as well.

Any whoooooooo here's the pic. I may leave it clear haven't decided yet.


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This sounds awesome. I made a body butter bar with almost the same EO's in it and a little cool water fo, it smelled clean and herbal, everyone loved it. I hadn't tried it with the Menthol crystals yet.

Well actually I had to make more of this today and I took out a portion to mix some crystals in to see how it works.

I'm waiting for it to set so I can test the glide.

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Grandma Arial you'll get a tester with the soap swap. For Steph, Anita and Michelle please pm me your addresses. I only had a little bit of aloe gel so I wasn't able to make up much. I'm going to try making a cream/lotion type today so you will get one or the other.

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That looks great! Love the color... does the menthol crystals give it that color? I make something similar to this... but I only use aloe gel and Lavender EO, using the EO as the pain-reliever/relaxer.

I can't use any type of menthol/ben gay/theragesic.... I'll break out in hives and it burns like FIRE... it even makes me light-headed! LOL I know, sounds weird eh? :)

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No I added a little green colorant to it. Hmmmmmm aloe gel and lavender I never thought of trying that. That would be good as you stated for people that can't use anything menthol. I know the eucalyptus, rosemary and basil eo's are suppose to be good for muscles. So that's another combination to play with. Although everything I've seen about Rosemary eo says not to use if you have high blood pressure so I think I'll eliminate that one.

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No I added a little green colorant to it. Hmmmmmm aloe gel and lavender I never thought of trying that. That would be good as you stated for people that can't use anything menthol. I know the eucalyptus, rosemary and basil eo's are suppose to be good for muscles. So that's another combination to play with. Although everything I've seen about Rosemary eo says not to use if you have high blood pressure so I think I'll eliminate that one.

Yep... you're right. Rosemary EO is not for people with high blood pressure or epilepsy. I can't handle the combo's of EO sometimes (my nose is picky...lol) so I just stick with Lavender for myself. I gotta make it by the gallon because my MIL swears by it and uses it like water. :)

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