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Question on testers


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OK here's the situation. My husband works for a lobster company. His dispatcher is a woman. She burns candles all the time there because the place just stinks like fish. LOL All the other women there burn candles too. My husband told her, that I was going to be making candles and right away, they were all over him. His dispatcher, who he wants to stay on her good side, wants a candle asap. I told him I could have her be a tester.

My question is, I don't have insurance yet. I don't feel comfortable unless I have insurance, even letting someone test for me. Am I being foolish? She told him she'll sign anything she would need to sign, so she can't sue me. She really just wants some free candles and would participate in taking notes on testing if I asked her to. Of course I can't even think about her testing something I haven't already tested here as far as wick and a marathon burn. Am I worrying too much? Something inside me, just tells me it's not a good thing to do. Am I being overly cautious?

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Vio -- I think you already know the answer. :wink2: Not because I'm an insurance nazi because I'm not -- although it will be contrary to a lot of members' opinions, I think insurance is a personal thing - how much risk a person is willing to take. I started to make (and sell) candles before getting insurance -- but that was a personal choice that felt right to me. I tested myself and used some of my good friends to test for me before I began to sell (and still before insurance). That will horrify some people, I know!

Ultimately if it doesn't feel right to you then get insurance before you have someone else test.

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I also totally think people the YOU don't have personal contact with are not right to be testers. They just want free product. Unless you are planning on giving them paperwork to sign and fill out, you have no way of staying in concact with them yourself, not your husband. These can turn into sticky situations that do not go over well except for the people getting the product for free.

Get insurance and find better people to test for you.People who will be responsible and honest.


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Yeah kinda what I was feeling. I don't know her really. I mean we do talk when she calls occasionally, but it's not like we're friends. I'm just going to tell husband to keep stalling her and when we can afford it after my extensive testing and perfecting, will get the insurance. I wish he never even told her about this. I don't want her to think I'm being rude, but it is my butt on the line and also my reputation. She's just going to have to wait. I'm even annoyed he talked about insurance at all with her. He meant well, but I just can't believe with all I've been telling him, he thinks I'm going to miraculously perfect 11 scents overnight. I know he has faith in me, but he obviously misses all the talk I do about how long this whole process can take. Thanks for the input. She's just going to have to wait.

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Instead of stalling her just tell her that because of insurance reasons, the candles have to be extensively tested by you and you alone until ALL kinks are worked out... when there comes a point where you think the candles are ready for "outside" testing, you'll let her know.

Whether or not you ever let her know is obviously up to you.


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Instead of stalling her just tell her that because of insurance reasons, the candles have to be extensively tested by you and you alone until ALL kinks are worked out... when there comes a point where you think the candles are ready for "outside" testing, you'll let her know.

Whether or not you ever let her know is obviously up to you.


That is what I tell people I don't know that volunteer to be a tester

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I keep testers to very, very close friends and family.

I have alot of people that want to "test" for me, but they're looking for a free candle. They're not interested in writing anything down or documenting what I need to know as far as how the candle burns...and as far as I'm concerned, that just becomes a waste of my time and money.


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Instead of stalling her just tell her that because of insurance reasons, the candles have to be extensively tested by you and you alone until ALL kinks are worked out... when there comes a point where you think the candles are ready for "outside" testing, you'll let her know.

Perfect way to put it, Kim! :highfive:

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Instead of stalling her just tell her that because of insurance reasons, the candles have to be extensively tested by you and you alone until ALL kinks are worked out... when there comes a point where you think the candles are ready for "outside" testing, you'll let her know.

Whether or not you ever let her know is obviously up to you.


I agree. By stalling her, she won't give up. Then he (hubby) will start to feel uncomfortable around her. Honesty is the best policy. Or as Barney Fife would say, "Nip it, nip it, nip it!"

No one will be a better tester than you! You know what you are looking for and you have your reputation on the line. If she is just wanting free candles then she is liable to tell you anything you want to hear to keep the supply coming. Not that she would, but she doesn't have a stake in it.

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